
Issue Title
Vol 4, No 2 (2020): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Effect of the Time of Day of Instruction on Student Learning Abstract  PDF
Nasim Muhammad, Gaganpreet Sidhu, Seshasai Srinivasan
Vol 7, No 1 (2023): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - April A Consideration of Gradeless Learning in Higher Education Abstract  PDF
Adan Amer, Gaganpreet Sidhu, Seshasai Srinivasan
Vol 5, No 1 (2021): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education The Flipped Classroom: An Overview of its Impact on Economics Learning Abstract  PDF
Selvita Eka Eviana Purba, Kristiani Kristiani, Khresna Bayu Sangka, Omar Khadeer Hussain
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - October A Short Review of Online Learning Assessment Strategies Abstract  PDF
Adan Amer, Gaganpreet Sidhu, Zhao Bo, Seshasai Srinivasan
Vol 6, No 1 (2022): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education A Pre-Service Teacher Experiences of Creating Vocabulary Quizzes for EFL Adult Learners: the ACTIONS Model Abstract  PDF
Istiqomatul Faizah, Nur Arifah Drajati, Melor Md. Yunus
Vol 5, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Teaching Individuals with Down Syndrome and Moderate or Severe Intellectual Disability with The Aim of Their Acquiring, Retaining and Recalling Knowledge: An Intervention Programme for Discovering and Understanding The Environment Abstract  PDF
Christina S Lappa, Constantinos N Mantzikos
Vol 4, No 1 (2020): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Reflection session in the ‘Basics of Biology Learning’ Lecture: Pre-service Biology Teacher’s Perspective in Choosing Learning Method/Model Abstract  PDF
Marisa Christina Tapilouw
Vol 6, No 1 (2022): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Hands-on, Eyes-on: Enhancement of Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics Through Observational Learning Abstract  PDF
Abiodun A Bada, Akinyemi O Akinbobola
Vol 8, No 2 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - October Designing an Integrated Learning Action Plan to Build Strategic Learning Environments Abstract  PDF
Netaniel Giovanni, Martha Monica Olivia Pangaribuan, Deddy Candra
Vol 6, No 1 (2022): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Integrating Brain-based Learning in the Science Classroom: A Systematic Review Abstract  PDF
Abiodun A Bada, Loyiso C Jita
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - October The Effectiveness of Student Teams Achievement Division Cooperative Learning in Improving Mathematics Skills in VTE Engineering Students Abstract  PDF
Sarinah Ziziumiza, Jabaidah Bungsu, Masitah Shahrill
Vol 4, No 2 (2020): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Speech Act Analysis of O. Henry’s Short Stories and Implementation of the Integrated Teaching and Learning Process Abstract  PDF
Amanda Pradhani Yanwar
Vol 2, No 1 (2018): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Approach with Multimedia for Children’s Literature Learning at Elementary School in the Characters Building Perspective Abstract  PDF
Rukayah Rukayah, Y Slamet, Andayani Andayani
Vol 4, No 1 (2020): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Examining the Efficacy of Co-operative Learning Strategy on Undergraduate Students’ Achievement in Mathematics Abstract  PDF
Adeneye Olarewaju Awofala, Abisola Olusola Lawani
Vol 3, No 2 (2019): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Auto-Mobile Language Learning: Autonomous Language Learning Based on the Practicality of Mobile Applications Abstract
Anis Firdatul Rochma, Sulis Triyono
Vol 5, No 1 (2021): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education High Participation, Low Impact: The Challenge for Teacher Professional Development in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Abdul Rahman
Vol 8, No 2 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - October Earthcomm Model's Influence on Spatial Thinking Capacity and Environmental Care Character Development: A Focused Study Abstract  PDF
Joice Zhenrike Memmase, Sumarmi Sumarmi, Purwanto Purwanto
Vol 2, No 2 (2018): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Using Wikis for Collaborative Writing in the ELT Classroom Abstract  PDF
Jolanta Hudson
Vol 8, No 1 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - April A Learning Trajectory for Statistics Through the Traditional Game of Congklak to Enhance Mathematical Reasoning Skills Abstract  PDF
Yemi Kuswardi, Farida Nurhasanah, Nabilla Uristu Al Firdaus, Budi Usodo, Henny Ekana Chrisnawati, Sutopo Sutopo, Masitah Shahrill
Vol 2, No 2 (2018): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Teaching Observational Learning to Children with Autism: Pedagogical Advancements for the Scientist-Practitioner Abstract  PDF
Nicole Luke, Nimi Singh
Vol 5, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Challenges and Best Practices of Teaching and Learning among Islamic Education Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Zetty Nurzuliana Rashed, Nurul Rahimah Binti Mohd. Hanipah
Vol 8, No 1 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - April Rigorous Mathematical Thinking Aprroach for Support Relational Understanding: Designing a Learning Trajectory on Linear Equation Abstract  PDF
Bernika Indrialis Ifana, Nyimas Aisyah, Ely Susanti
Vol 8, No 1 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - April The Impact of the Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) Integrated with Ethnoscience and Podcasts on Science Process Skills in the Topic of Chemical Bonding Abstract  PDF
Viki Nurlatifah, Mohammad Masykuri, Wirawan Ciptonugroho, Sri Yamtinah, Maria Ulfa, Bakti Mulyani, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Ari Syahidul Shidiq
Vol 5, No 1 (2021): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education Mapping the Challenges in Distance Learning for Students with Disabilities during Covid-19 Pandemic: Survey of Special Education Teachers Abstract  PDF
Mahardika Supratiwi, Munawir Yusuf, Fadjri Kirana Anggarani
Vol 8, No 2 (2024): International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education - October Determinants Affecting Students’ Satisfaction In The Use of Learning Management Systems on Instructional Content, Interaction, and Accessibility Abstract  PDF
Budi Setiawan, Adrian Rodgers
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