Table of Contents
Technology in Education
Determinants Affecting Students’ Satisfaction In The Use of Learning Management Systems on Instructional Content, Interaction, and Accessibility
| Abstract views : 2 times
Budi Setiawan, Adrian Rodgers
Research Paper
The Effect of The Earthcomm Learning Model on Spatial Thinking Ability: Efforts To Strengthen The Character of Environmental Care
| Abstract views : 2 times
Joice Zhenrike Memmase, Sumarmi Sumarmi, Purwanto Purwanto
Vocational Education
Examining the Influence of Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Capability, Adaptability, and Excellence on Managerial Competence and Leadership Performance in Maritime Vocational Higher Education
| Abstract views : 4 times
Cahya Fajar Budi Hartanto, Yohanes Leonardus Sukestiyarno, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Science Education
The Role of Knowledge, Creativity and Self-Confidence in the Performance of High School Prinsipals Using SEM-SmartPLS Analysis
| Abstract views : 14 times
Melky Malingkas, Kosmas Sobon, Jelvi M. Mangundap, Zhuldiz Anay
Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning With PhET Simulation to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Understanding of Reaction Rate Concepts
| Abstract views : 4 times
Apriliana Drastisianti, Arini Kusuma Dewi, Dante Alighiri