SCOPUS Citation Analysis

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Update December 24, 2021 14:00 PM GMT+7 |


Alchemy is cited 58 times at Scopus database

Simanjuntak, L. H., Erwin, E., & Panggabean, A. S. (2020). Prakonsentrasi Ion Cd (II) dalam Sampel Pupuk Nitrogen, Fosfor dan Kalium (NPK) Menggunakan Alumina Teraktivasi sebagai Material Pengisi Kolom. Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 16 (2), 1-11.

  1. Panggabean, A. S., Malinda, R., Pasaribu, S., & Wirawan, T. (2021, September). Verification of the test method for determination of boron in NPK blending fertilizer using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2360, No. 1, p. 050006). AIP Publishing LLC. DOI: 10.1063/5.0059480

Putri, D. A., & Fatmawati, S. (2019). Metabolit sekunder dari Muntingia calabura dan bioaktivitasnya. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 15(1), 57-78.

  1. Pangastuti, A., Sari, S. L. A., Budiharjo, A., Fitri, S. T., Sayekti, P., & Putri, S. R. (2021). Screening of some indonesian medicinal plant extracts for anti quorum sensing activity to prevent aeromonas hydrophila infection in oreochromis niloticus. Biodiversitas, 22(8), 3517-3522. doi:10.13057/biodiv/d220851

Nugrahaningtyas, K. D., Widjonarko, D. M., Daryani, D., & Haryanti, Y. (2016). Kajian Aktivasi H2SO4 terhadap Proses Pemilaran Al2O3 pada Lempung Alam. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 12(2), 190-203.

  1. Wiratama, R. A., Hanudin, E., & Purwanto, B. H. (2021). Intercalation and calcination as methods to reduce expansive soil properties. Sains Tanah, 18(1), 36-47. doi:10.20961/STJSSA.V18I1.46735

Jayanudin, J., Rochmadi, R., Renaldi, M. K., & Pangihutan, P. The Influence Of Coating Material Difference Against Encapsulation Efficiency Of Red Ginger Oleoresin. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(2), 274-286.

  1. Cahyaningrum, S. E., Amaria, & Sholikhah, A. M. (2021). Kinetic release study of diabetes mellitus drug encapsulated on chitosan alginate matrix. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 14(2), 1273-1280. doi:10.31788/RJC.2021.1426218


Junaidi, E., & Anwar, Y. A. S. (2018). Aktivitas antibakteri dan antioksidan asam galat dari kulit buah lokal yang diproduksi dengan tanase. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 14(1), 131-142.

  1. Putri, D. E., Supiyani, A., Putri, A. N. P., & Mushonnifah, E. (2021). Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels on mice atopic dermatitis treated with pearl grass (hedyotis corymbosa (L.) lamk) extract cream. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 17


Djunaidi, M. C. (2017). Separation of Chrom (VI) From Electroplating Waste Using Polymer Inclusion Membran (PIM) Method. Jurnal Alchemy Jurnal penelitian Kimia, 13(1), 113-132.

  1. Azis, M. Y., Amedyan, N. N., Hanefiatni, & Suprabawati, A. (2021). Study of reducing chromium (VI) to chromium (III) ion using reduction and coagulation methods for electroplating industrial waste. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1763(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1763/1/012042


Pallawagau, M., Yanti, N. A., Jahiding, M., Kadidae, L. O., Asis, W. A., & Hamid, F. H. (2019). Penentuan Kandungan Fenolik Total Liquid Volatile Matter dari Pirolisis Kulit Buah Kakao dan Uji Aktivitas Antifungi terhadap Fusarium oxysporum. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 15(1), 165-179.

  1. Faisal, M., Gani, A., Nurul Hidayati, A. R., Mardhatillah, P., & Husni, H. (2021). In-vitro antifungal effect of the cayenne leaf extract modified with liquid smoke from cocoa pod husk to control f. oxysporum on chili (capsicum annuum l.). Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 14(2), 705-711. doi:10.31788/RJC.2021.1426239


Nerdy, N. (2018). Determination of vitamin C in various colours of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by Titration Method. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 14(1), 164-177.

  1. Correa-Pacheco, Z. N., Corona-Rangel, M. L., Bautista-Baños, S., & Ventura-Aguilar, R. I. (2021). Application of natural-based nanocoatings for extending the shelf life of green bell pepper fruit. Journal of Food Science, 86(1), 95-102. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.15542


Rohaeti, E., Laksono, E. W., & Rakhmawati, A. (2016). Bacterial cellulose from rice waste water and its composite which are deposited nanoparticle as an antimicrobial material. ALCHEMY J. Penelit. Kim., 12, 70-87.

  1. Nooshabadi, V. T., Khanmohamadi, M., Valipour, E., Mahdipour, S., Salati, A., Malekshahi, Z. V., ... & Ai, J. (2020). Impact of exosome‐loaded chitosan hydrogel in wound repair and layered dermal reconstitution in mice animal model. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 108(11), 2138-2149.


Wahyuningsih, S., Hidayatullah, H., & Pramono, E. (2014). Optimizing of TiO2 Separation from Bangka Ilmenite by Leaching Process Using HCl. ALCHEMY jurnal penelitian kimia, 10(1), 54-68.

  1. Fauzi, A., Lalasari, L. H., Sofyan, N., Dhaneswara, D., & Yuwono, A. H. (2020, September). Synthesis of titanium oxysulfate from ilmenite through hydrothermal, water leaching and sulfuric acid leaching routes. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2262, No. 1, p. 070006). AIP Publishing LLC.
  2. Aviandharie, S. A., Aidha, N. N., Jati, B. N., Ermawati, R., & Cahyaningtyas, A. A. (2020, July). Tio2 Purification From Ilmenite The Tin Industry By-Product For Pigment. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1503, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.


Marliyana, S. D., & Syah, Y. M. (2017). In vitro antibacterial activity of chalcone derivatives from Kaempferia Pandurata rhizomes against clinical isolate bacteria. Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(1), 41-51.

  1. Freitas, T. S. D., Xavier, J. D. C., Pereira, R. L., Rocha, J. E., Muniz, D. F., da Silva, P. T., ... & Coutinho, H. D. (2020). Direct antibacterial and antibiotic resistance modulatory activity of chalcones synthesized from the natural product 2-hydroxy-3, 4, 6-trimethoxyacetophenone. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367(15), fnaa124.


Jayanudin, J., Rochmadi, R., Renaldi, M. K., & Pangihutan, P. The Influence Of Coating Material Difference Against Encapsulation Efficiency Of Red Ginger Oleoresin. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(2), 274-286

  1. Wulandari, R. P. S., & Rochyani, L. Stirring Time Effect of Beta-TCP Nanoencapsulation Synthesized from Anadara granosa Shells on Particle Size and Calcium Level.
  2. Asyrafi, A. F., & Budianto, E. (2020, June). Encapsulation efficiency and in-vitro dissolution test of Nifedipine microcapsules coated with polyblend of poly (D-lactic acid) and polycaprolactone. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2242, No. 1, p. 040059). AIP Publishing LLC.


Rohaeti, E., Laksono, E. W., & Rakhmawati, A. (2016). Bacterial cellulose from rice waste water and its composite which are deposited nanoparticle as an antimicrobial material. ALCHEMY J. Penelit. Kim., 12, 70-87.

  1. Anwar, M., Istiqomah, L., Ekaningrum, M., & Yembise, D. (2020, March). Antibacterial activities of biocomposite plastic-based phenolic acids-grafted chitosan and sugar palm starch (Arenga pinata). In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 462, No. 1, p. 012046). IOP Publishing.


Diastuti, H., Syah, Y. M., Juliawaty, L. D., & Singgih, M. (2016). Antibacterial Activity of Germacrone Sesquiterpene from Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Rhizomes. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 12(2), 103-111.

  1. Juwitaningsih, T., Jahro, I. S., Dumariris, I., Hermawati, E., & Rukayadi, Y. (2020). Phytochemical, antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer activity study of M. candidum leaf acetone extract. Rasayan J. Chem, 13(2), 1096-1103.


Nerdy, N. (2018). Determination of Vitamin C in Various Colours of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by Titration Method. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 14(1), 164-177.

  1. Hong, H., Son, Y. J., Kwon, S. H., & Kim, S. K. (2020). Biochemical and Antioxidant Activity of Yogurt Supplemented with Paprika Juice of Different Colors. Food Science of Animal Resources, 40(4), 613.


Ulfa, M. (2017). Analysis of Microporosity on Porous Carbon from Gelatin (KPG) Using N2 Adsorption-Desorption by Dubinin–Radushkevich (DR) Model. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(1), 103-118

  1. Khan, N. A., Ahmed, M., & Drewery, M. (2020). Effect of Ca(OH)2 and Heat Treatment on The Physico-Chemical Properties of Bovine Bone Powder; a Material Useful for Medical, Catalytic, and Environmental Applications. Materials Science, 26(1), 114-119.


Hadisaputra, S., Hamdiani, S., & Junaidi, E. (2016). Theoretical study on corrosion inhibition properties of 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 11(2), 102-110.

  1. Hadisaputra, S., Purwoko, A. A., Hakim, A., Savalas, L. R. T., Rahmawati, R., Hamdiani, S., & Nuryono, N. (2019, December). Ab initioMP2 and DFT studies of ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate and its derivatives as corrosion inhibitors of iron in acidic medium. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1402, No. 5, p. 055046). IOP Publishing.


Riska Azizawati, S. Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi C-4-Hidroksi-3-Metoksifenil Kaliks[4]Resorsinarena Sulfonat. (2013) Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 9, pp. 13-21.

  1. Etika, S. B., & Nasra, E. (2019, October). Microscopic Analysis of Cu (II) ions using C-Cinnamal Calix [4] Resorcinarena Synthesized from Cinnamon Oil (Cinnamon burmanii). In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1317, No. 1, p. 012039). IOP Publishing.

Marliyana, S. D., Handayani, N., & Rakhmawati, R. (2012). Uji toksisitas secara brine shrimp lethality ekstrak buah merah (Pandanus Conoideus Lamk.). Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 8(2).

  1. Karim, H., Ahmad, A., Natzir, R., Massi, M. N., Arfah, R., Asmi, N., & Karim, A. (2019, October). Isolation and identification of bioactive proteins from the brown algae Sargassum, Sp. and their potential as anticancer agents. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1341, No. 3, p. 032009). IOP Publishing.
  2. Ahmad, A., Wahid, I., Massi, M. N., Arfah, R., & Karim, H. (2019, October). Anti-dengue potential of bioactive protein from exophytic bacteria that are symbiotic with brown algae Sargassum sp. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1341, No. 3, p. 032012). IOP Publishing.

Hendrati, D., Purnamasari, E. S., Effendi, S., & Wyantuti, S. (2018). Pemantapan Proses Sintesis Ligan Dibutilditiokarbamat (DBDTK) Sebagai Pengekstrak Logam Tanah Jarang Berdasarkan Desain Eksperimen. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 14(1), 195-203.

  1. Hendrati, D., Purnamasari, E. S., Effendi, S., & Wyantuti, S. (2018). Optimization of large scale dibuthyldithiocarbamate synthesis by experimental design and application as extractant for gadolinium(III). In International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (Volume 8, Issue 2 Special Issue 7, Pages 38 - 41July 2019)

Maser, W.H., Rusmarilin, H., Yuliana, N.D. Aplikasi metabolomik berbasis HPLC untuk mengidentifikasi waktu retensi komponen antibakteri Stapylococcus aureus pada ekstrak bunga kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) (2017) Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13 (2), pp. 241-251.

  1. PURWOKO, A., TURNIP, H., & MASER, W. H. (2019). The pattern of Etlingera elatior cultivation in agroforestry systems and its use as traditional medicines and food by local people of Kabanjahe, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 20(7).

Hadisaputra, S., Hamdiani, S., & Junaidi, E. (2016). Theoretical study on corrosion inhibition properties of 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 11(2), 102-110.

  1. Hadisaputra, S., Purwoko, A. A., Hamdiani, S., & Prananto, Y. P. (2019, June). Theoretical study on the corrosion inhibition performance of dibenzo-18-crown-6 and its derivatives. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 546, No. 3, p. 032011). IOP Publishing.

Fadillah, G., Kusuma, P. P., & Saraswati, T. E. Uji Efektivitas Gelatin Dari Cakar Ayam Sebagai Pengawet Alami Daging Dan Ikan (Effectiveness Of Gelatin Extracted From Chicken Claws As A Natural Preservatives For Beef And Fish). ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 10(2).

  1. Lukiati, B., Prabaningtyas, S., Aribah, D., & Arifah, S. N. (2019, May). Antibacterial Activity of Rhinacanthus nasutus L. Kurz ointment to Inhibit Staphylococcus aureus Growth Using In Vitro Dilution Method. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 276, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing.

Rahayu, P., & Lestari, W. W. (2016). Study of Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks MOF-5 as Hydrogen Storage Material. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 12(1), 14-26.

  1. Lestari, W. W., Shahab, S., Novita, T. H., Tedra, R. A., Purnawan, C., Arrozi, U. S. F., & Ni’maturrohmah, D. (2019, April). Electrosynthesis of coordination polymers containing magnesium (II) and benzene 1, 3, 5-tricarboxylate: the influence of solvents and electrolytes toward the dimensionality. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 509, No. 1, p. 012149). IOP Publishing.

Zusfahair, Z., Ningsih, D. R., Fatoni, A., & Pertiwi, D. S. (2018). Pemurnian Parsial dan Karakterisasi Urease dari Biji Kacang Panjang (Vigna unguiculata subsp sesquipedalis L.). ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 14(1), 72-83.

  1. Zusfahair, Z., Ningsih, D. R., Lestari, E. D. P., & Fatoni, A. (2019). Development of Urea Biosensor Based on Immobilized Urease in Chitosan Cryogel. Molekul, 14(1), 64-71.

Choiriyah, D., Riandini, E., & Wulandari, A. (2016). Preparation micro-filtration ceramic membrane from natural zeolite for procion red MX8B and methylene blue filtration. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 11(1), 8-14.

  1. Adam, M. R., Matsuura, T., Othman, M. H. D., Puteh, M. H., Pauzan, M. A. B., Ismail, A. F., ... & Abdullah, M. S. (2019). Feasibility study of the hybrid adsorptive hollow fibre ceramic membrane (HFCM) derived from natural zeolite for the removal of ammonia in wastewater. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 122, 378-385.
  2. Adam, M. R., Salleh, N. M., Othman, M. H. D., Matsuura, T., Ali, M. H., Puteh, M. H., ... & Jaafar, J. (2018). The adsorptive removal of chromium (VI) in aqueous solution by novel natural zeolite based hollow fibre ceramic membrane. Journal of environmental management, 224, 252-262.

Anwar, Y. A. S. (2015). Effect of tannase on chemical parameters of cashew apple juice (Anacardium occidentale Linn). Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 11(1), 29-37.

  1. Kumar, S. S., Sreekumar, R., & Sabu, A. (2019). Tannase and its applications in food processing. In Green Bio-processes (pp. 357-381). Springer, Singapore.

Muharni, M., Elfita, E., & Pertiwi, E. (2017). ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF XANTHONE FROM ETHYL ACETATE EXTRACT OF THE STEAM BARK OF Garcinia picrorrhiza Miq. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(2), 250-261.

  1. Muharni, M., Yohandini, H., Elfita, E., Fitrya, F., Sarah, A., & Nabila, R. (2021). The Chemical Compounds of Flacourtia rukam Leaves and Their Inhibition of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (ACE) Activity. Molekul, 16(3), 219-225.


  1. Ulfa, S. M., Munandar, R., & Prihartini, D. (2018, December). Batch and continuous flow hydrodeoxygenation of furfural and acetone condensation adduct catalyzed by Ni/ZrO2-SiO2. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2049, No. 1, p. 020005). AIP Publishing LLC.
  2. Ulfa, S. M., Putra, K. A., & Rahman, M. F. (2018, October). Influence of Ni loading on hydrodeoxygenation of phenol using Ni/Al2O3-ZrO2 catalyst by flow reactor system. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 050012). AIP Publishing LLC.

Rachmania, R. A., Wahyudi, P., Wardani, A. M., & Insani, D. R. MOLECULAR WEIGHT PROFILE OF PROTEASE OF PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus L. Merr) AND PAPAYA (Carica papaya L.) USING SDS-PAGE METHOD. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 13(1), 52-65.

  1. Khairunnisa, F. A., Vedder, M., Evers, L., & Permana, S. (2018, October). Bromelain content of extract from stem of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 020014). AIP Publishing LLC.

Handayani, D. S., Amin, Z. A. A., Kusumaningsih, T., & Masyur, A. (2014). Sintesis dan Karakterisasi C-HeksilKaliks [4] Resorsinarena dari Kondensasi resorsinol-Heptanal. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 10(1), 49-53.

  1. Etika, S. B., Nasra, E., & Rilaztika, I. (2018, April). Synthesis and Characterization of C-Cinnamal Calix [4] Resorsinarena from Cinnamon Oil Waste West Sumatra. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 335, No. 1, p. 012028). IOP Publishing.

Marliyana, S. D., & Handayani, N. Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirih Merah (Piper CrocatumRuiz & Pav.). 2013, ALCHEMY jurnal penelitian kimia, Vol.9

  1. Sari, M. (2018, April). The Utilization of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) in Manufacturing of Solid Soap with Red Betel Leaf Extract Addition (Paper Crotum Ruiz &Pav). In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 335, No. 1, p. 012038). IOP Publishing.

Diastuti, H., Syah, Y. M., Juliawaty, L. D., & Singgih, M. (2016). Antibacterial Activity of Germacrone Sesquiterpene from Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Rhizomes. ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 12(2), 103-111.

  1. Rahayu, D. U. C., & Sugita, P. (2018). Antibacterial activity of curcumenol from rhizomes of Indonesian Curcuma aeruginosa (Zingiberaceae). Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 11(2), 762-765.

Budiyono, Pratiwi, M.E., Sinar, I.N. (2013) Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 9 (2), pp. 1-12

  1. Jos, B., Hundagi, F., Wisudawati, R. P., & Sumardiono, S. (2018). Study of C/N ratio effect on biogas production of carica solid waste by SS-AD method and LS-AD. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 156, p. 03055). EDP Sciences.

Djunaidi, M. C. (2017). Separation of Chrom (VI) From Electroplating Waste Using Polymer Inclusion Membran (PIM) Method. Jurnal Alchemy Jurnal penelitian Kimia, 13(1), 113-132.

  1. Djunaidi, M. C. (2018). Desalination of Sea Water Using Polymer Inclusion Membran (PIM) With Aliquat 336-TBP (Tributhyl Phosphate) as Carrier Compound. In Matec Web series 156 (2018) The 24th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2017). : American lnstitute of Physics/Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro.

Kusumaningsih, T., Handayani, D.S., Lestari, Y. (2004) Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 8, pp. 47-56.

  1. Handayani, D. S., Kusumaningsih, T., & Hak, L. A. (2017, February). Utilization Chitosan-pt-Butylcalix [4] Arene for Red MX 8B Adsorbent. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 176, No. 1, p. 012016). IOP Publishing.

Rohaeti, E., Laksono, E. W., & Rakhmawati, A. (2016). Bacterial cellulose from rice waste water and its composite which are deposited nanoparticle as an antimicrobial material. ALCHEMY J. Penelit. Kim., 12, 70-87.

  1. Savitskaya, I. S., Kistaubayeva, A. S., Digel, I. E., & Shokatayeva, D. H. (2017). Physicochemical and antibacterial properties of composite films based on bacterial cellulose and chitosan for wound dressing materials. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 19(3), 255-264.

Budiyono, M.P., Noviantari, I. (2013) ALCHEMY Jurnal Penelitian Kimia 9 hal 1

  1. Prasetyo, T., Sumardiono, S., Aji, H. A., & Pratama, A. Y. (2017). Effect of C/N ratio and pH on biogas production from industrial cassava starch wastewater through anaerobic process. Advanced Science Letters, 23(6), 5810-5814.

Handayani, D. S. (2002). Sulfonasi dan polimerisasi eugenol. Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 1(2).

  1. Muliawati, E. C., Santoso, M., Ismail, A. F., Jaafar, J., Salleh, M. T., Nurherdiana, S. D., & Widiastuti, N. (2017). Poly (eugenol sulfonate)–sulfonated polyetherimide new blends membrane promising for direct methanol fuel cell. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 21(3), 659-668.

Rahmawati, F., Apriyani, R. I., & Rahardjo, S. B. (2012). Catalyst tablet of Cu-TiO2/Graphite for photo-and electro-assisted degradation of remazol yellow FG. Alchemy Jurnal Penelitian Kimia, 8(1).

  1. Purnawan, C., Wahyuningsih, S., & Kusuma, P. P. (2016). Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange Using Graphite/PbTiO 3 Composite. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 16(3), 347-352.

Wahyuningsih, S., Hidayatullah, H., Pramono, E., Rahardjo, S. B., Ramelan, A. H., Firdiyono, F., & Sulistiyono, E. (2014). Optimasi pemisahan TiO2 dari ilmenite Bangka dengan proses leaching menggunakan HCl. Alchemy jurnal penelitian kimia, 10, 54-68.

  1. Nurdin, M., Maulidiyah, W. A., Abdillah, N., & Wibowo, D. (2016). Development of extraction method and characterization of TiO2 mineral from ilmenite. Int J ChemTech Res, 9, 483-491.