
Issue Title
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): April Pemberdayaan Peternak dalam Teknologi Produksi Pupuk Organik dan Biogas di Desa Gedong dan Desa Gemawang Kecamatan Ngadirojo, Kabupaten Wonogiri Abstract  PDF
Shanti Emawati, Endang Tri Rahayu, Suwarto Suwarto, Sudiyono Sudiyono
Vol 5, No 1 (2024): April Implementation of Integrated Health Service and Promotion Posts for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) to Improve Knowledge, Anthropometric and Nutritional Counseling Skills of Adolescent Cadres in Schools Abstract  PDF
Sri Noor Mintarsih, Susi Tursilowati, Ria Ambarwati, Mardiana Mardiana, Zuhria Ismawanti
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): October Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Petani Cabai Merah terhadap Penggunaan Pestisida Kimia: Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Payakumbuh, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Sofia Amelia, Mega Amelia Putri, Fedri Ibnusina
Vol 5, No 2 (2024): October Relationship Between Early Marriage and Mother’s Levels of Knowledge with Nutritional Status Abstract  PDF
M. Thonthowi Jauhari, Junendri Ardian, Novia Zuriatun Solehah, Tresia Ayu Saputri
Vol 5, No 1 (2024): April The Relationship Between Feeding Patterns and Maternal Knowledge about Nutrition with the Incidence of Stunting in Children Age 0-5 Years in the Working Area of the Gedongan Health Center, Mojokerto City Abstract  PDF
Nadya Aisyah Sasqia Putri, Ronald Pratama Adiwinoto, Prima Arundani, Pramita Anindya Nugraheni, I Made Dwi Mertha Adnyana
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