SCOPUS Citation Analysis

AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health has sources of the citation performance on Scopus including; Source Scopus 1Source Scopus 2.

Update February 19, 2025, 11:00 AM GMT+7 | First issues since 2020

AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health is cited at least 57 times at Scopus database:

Lestari, A., & Hanim, D. (2020). Edukasi Kader dalam Upaya Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Stunting di Kecamatan Mondokan Kabupaten Sragen. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 1(1), 7-13.

  1. Formulation of Local Food Based Snack Using Linear Program for Nutrisurvey to Prevent Stunting in Under-Five Children
  2. Cadre Assistance in Improving the Nutritional Status of Two Years Baby: A Literature Review

Anshori, A., Riyanto, D., & Suradal, S. (2020). Peningkatan Indeks Pertanaman Padi pada Musim Tanam ke Dua di Kecamatan Ngawen, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 1(2), 55-61.

  1. Effect of supplementary irrigation on rice yield in dry land during rainy season
  2. The increase of rice cropping index supported by river dam irrigation in dry land
  3. The Transformation of Rice Crop Technology in Indonesia: Innovation and Sustainable Food Security
  4. Intercropping technology to increase cropping index in Central Java, Indonesia
  5. Study of meteorological drought and its impact on rainfed paddy productivity in Gunungkidul Regency


Budiarti, S., Cahyaningrum, H., & Nugroho, M. (2022). Disease Inventory of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) Variety of Lokananta from Seed (True Shallot Seed). AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 143-153.

  1. Short Communication: Molecular identification of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose on shallot in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Romadhon, M., & Aziz, A. (2022). Determination of Flood Susceptibility Index Using Overlay-Scoring Data Method based on Geographic Information System (GIS) in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 104-123.

  1. Assessing the Effect of Rice Management System on Soil and Rice Quality Index in Girimarto, Wonogiri, Indonesia 
  2. Potential soil degradation of paddy fields through observation approaches from various sources of environmental diversity
  3. Analysis of Land Potential Index of Village Cash Land and Oro-Oro Land in Boyolali Regency
  4. GIS-Based flood susceptibility mapping in Wawar Watershed, Purworejo Regency
  5. Flood vulnerability assessment trough overlay-scoring data method based on Geographical Information System (GIS) in Giriwoyo, Wonogiri, Indonesia
  6. Evaluation of Aggregate Stability Using the Slaking Index Method with Soil Physical Approach in Keduang Sub-Watershed, Indonesia
  7. Landslides Hazard Assessment Using Soil Physics Approaches as a Determinant Factor on Agricultural Land in Hilly Area
  9. Multi-source environmental diversity mapping to assess potential level of soil degradation on coffee plantations: Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara


Syihabuddin, M., Katmawanti, S., Nilasari, K., & Kurniawan, A. (2023). Indirect Determinants Analysis of the Protein Intake Status of Stunted Under-Five Children at the Kedundung Health Service, Mojokerto City, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(2), 93-101.

  1. The Correlation between Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of Responsive Feeding on Stunting Incidents in Children in Karangploso Health Center, Malang Regency, Indonesia


Maro'ah, S., Sunarminto, B., & Utami, S. (2022). Status Kesuburan Tanah sebagai Dasar Strategi Pengelolaan Lahan Sawah di Kabupaten Bantul, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 2(2), 78-87. 

  1. Analysis of productivity levels of saline coastal land for crop cultivation activities 


Nuraini, D., Pramono, A., Prastowo, S., & Widyas, N. (2022). Penyuluhan Manajemen Kesehatan Sapi Potong dan Penyakit Zoonosis di Kelompok Tani Kenteng Makmur, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(1), 10-18.

  1. Infection Rate and Risk Factor of Buffalo Paramphistomum sp. Infection in Solo Raya Region, Central Java, Indonesia

Anshori, A., Iswadi, A., Sunarya, S., & Riyanto, D. (2021). Peranan Amelioran Pupuk Organik terhadap Hasil Padi pada Musim Tanam Kedua di Lahan Kering Ngawen Gunungkidul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 2(1), 1-7. 

  1. 'Pot cultivation' as a form of soil and water conservation technique for adaptation to soil condition and climate change in karst area


Anshori, A., & Suswatiningsih, T. (2022). Irigasi Air Tanah Mendukung Pertanaman Kacang Tanah, Jagung dan Kedelai di Lahan Kering pada Musim Kemarau. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 124-132. 

  1. 'Pot cultivation' as a form of soil and water conservation technique for adaptation to soil condition and climate change in karst area


Kurniawati, F., & Komalyna, I. (2021). Pastel Tutup Daging Ayam dan Daun Kelor sebagai Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Balita Stunting di Puskesmas Dinoyo Kota Malang: Kajian Nilai Gizi, Mutu Protein dan Daya Terima. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 2(1), 8-16.

  1. Effect of Intervention of Soy Milk Fortified with Moringa Leaf Powder on Improving Nutritional Status


Widiyanto, A., & Wati, E. (2022). Faktor Sanitasi Rumah serta Hubungannya dengan Kejadian Stunting di Kabupaten Banyumas. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 72-78.

  1. Determinants of the influence of community participation on the sustainability of local system community-based sanitation programs in Temanggung Regency
  2. The Physical Condition of Household Environment and History of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) to the Stunting Cases in Ogan Ilir Regency


Emawati, S., Sudiyono, S., Purnomo, S., Suwarto, S., Sari, A., & Rahayu, E. (2020). Pemberdayaan Peternak dalam Usaha Penggemukan Sapi Potong di Desa Kenteng, Kecamatan Nogosari, Kabupaten Boyolali. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 1(2), 96-102.

  1. Driving Factors for Sustainable Livestock Development in Indonesia: Study on Beef Cattle Commodities


Sayekti, W., Adawiyah, R., Indriani, Y., Tantriadisti, S., & Syafani, T. (2022). Pola Pikir Makan dan Preferensi Mahasiswa terhadap Makanan dan Minuman Jadi: Studi Kasus di Kota Bandar Lampung Saat Pandemi Covid-19. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 2(2), 65-77. 

  1. Analysis of Knowledge Level, Consumption Habits, Sugar and Calories Content in Ice Cream on the Nutritional Status of Depok Students 


Widhiyastuti, A., Adjie, E., Fauzan, A., & Supriyadi, S. (2023). Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Preservation at Sleman Regency, Indonesia: An Attempt to Preserve Food Security. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(1), 41-52.

  1. Total Carbon Sequestration on Soil and Plant Biomass under Different Farming Systems of Organic, Semi-Organic and Conventional Rice Fields
  2. The distribution of soil fertility index and its interaction with earthworms density under organic, semi-organic, and inorganic rice fields
  3. Soil physical health index in various land use of Keduang Sub-watershed, Central Java, Indonesia
  5. Evaluation of Aggregate Stability Using the Slaking Index Method with Soil Physical Approach in Keduang Sub-Watershed, Indonesia
  6. The relationship between soil fertility, phosphorus uptake, and crop yields of paddy (Oryza sativa l.) under different farming systems of rice field
  7. Driving Forces of Economic Prosperity: Agriculture and Non-Agriculture Dynamics in Food Production Value


Wahyuti, I., Zulaika, I., Supriyadi, S., & Tonabut, W. (2023). Precise Land Evaluation Implementation of the Regional Spatial Plan in the Sleman Regency to Maintain Human Health and Food Security. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(2), 81-92.

  1. Total Carbon Sequestration on Soil and Plant Biomass under Different Farming Systems of Organic, Semi-Organic and Conventional Rice Fields
  2. The distribution of soil fertility index and its interaction with earthworms density under organic, semi-organic, and inorganic rice fields
  3. Soil physical health index in various land use of Keduang Sub-watershed, Central Java, Indonesia
  5. Evaluation of Aggregate Stability Using the Slaking Index Method with Soil Physical Approach in Keduang Sub-Watershed, Indonesia
  6. The relationship between soil fertility, phosphorus uptake, and crop yields of paddy (Oryza sativa l.) under different farming systems of rice field
  7. Multi-source environmental diversity mapping to assess potential level of soil degradation on coffee plantations: Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara


Mujiyo, M., Herawati, A., Herdiansyah, G., Suntoro, S., Syamsiyah, J., Dewi, W., Widijanto, H., Rahayu, R., & Sutarno, S. (2022). Uji Kualitas Produk Pupuk Organik Beragensia Hayati. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(1), 1-9. 

  1. Total Carbon Sequestration on Soil and Plant Biomass under Different Farming Systems of Organic, Semi-Organic and Conventional Rice Fields
  2. The distribution of soil fertility index and its interaction with earthworms density under organic, semi-organic, and inorganic rice fields
  3. A Comparative Study of Soil Fertility in Organic, Semi-Organic, and Conventional Rice Field Farming Systems (Case Study: Nguntoronadi District, Wonogiri, Indonesia)

Mawarno, B., & Putri, A. (2022). Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Sensoris Snack Bar Tinggi Protein Bebas Gluten dengan Variasi Tepung Beras, Tepung Kedelai dan Tepung Tempe. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(1), 47-54.

  1. The sensory characteristics and business feasibility of a snack bar made from cocoa cake and banana chips “Tanduk”
  2. Development of food for special dietary uses of diabetes based on oyster mushroom and brown rice


Amelia, S., Putri, M., & Ibnusina, F. (2022). Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Petani Cabai Merah terhadap Penggunaan Pestisida Kimia: Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Payakumbuh, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 133-142.

  1. Farmers' Response to The Application of Augmentorium in Technology to Conserve Fruit Fly Parasitoid on Snake Fruit in Yogyakarta

Suswatiningsih, T., & Anshori, A. (2023). The Strategy of Soybean Development on Dryland Agroecosystem in Gunungkidul Regency, D.I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(1), 70-80.

  1. Soil physical health index in various land use of Keduang Sub-watershed, Central Java, Indonesia


Rahayu, R., Supriyadi, S., Sumani, S., Herawati, A., Dewi, K., Mo, Y., & Bae, E. (2024). Assessment of Land Quality for Siamese Orange (Citrus nobilis var. microcarpa) Development in Pacitan Regency, Indonesia. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 5(1), 29-40.

  1. Soil physical health index in various land use of Keduang Sub-watershed, Central Java, Indonesia
  2. Evaluation of Aggregate Stability Using the Slaking Index Method with Soil Physical Approach in Keduang Sub-Watershed, Indonesia

Rizqoh, D., Nugrahaeni, E., Sundari, M., Triana, D., Sariyanti, M., & Massardi, N. (2022). Trends in IgG Antibody Levels in Covid-19 Patients in Different Clinical Manifestations in Bengkulu City: Cohort Study. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 3(2), 79-88.

  1. The Relationship Between IgG and IgM Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Levels With Severity of Disease in Adult COVID-19 Patients in Bengkulu City in 2020


Kurniawati, A., Hidayat, C., & Setiowati, A. (2023). Formation of Coconut Oil By–Product Protein Concentrate–Pectin Through Electrostatic Interaction to Improve Emulsifying Properties. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(1), 1-13.

  1. The versatility of pectin: a comprehensive review unveiling its recovery techniques and applications in innovative food products


Rahayu, R., Mujiyo, M., Herdiansyah, G., Herawati, A., Sutarno, S., Yang, G., Hardian, T., Istiqomah, N., Irmawati, V., Romadhon, M., Hasanah, K., & Anggita, A. (2023). Utilization of Local Grass Cynodon dactylon for Football Field Rehabilitation and Minimizing the Incidence of Injuries. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(1), 53-62.

  1. The relationship between soil fertility, phosphorus uptake, and crop yields of paddy (Oryza sativa l.) under different farming systems of rice field


Marlinawati, D., Rahfiludin, M., & Mustofa, S. (2023). Effectiveness of Media-Based Health Education on Stunting Prevention in Adolescents: A Systematic Review. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(2), 102-111.

  1. The Effect of Stunting Prevention Video Media on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescent Girls: Literature Review


Adione, A., Sangotayo, E., & Olojede, M. (2023). Assessment of Community Sensitivity to Air Pollution and Its Health Effects in Some Cities in Nigeria. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 4(2), 159-171.

  1. Multi-source environmental diversity mapping to assess potential level of soil degradation on coffee plantations: Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara


Septiyani, T., & Simamora, S. (2022). Riwayat Keluarga, Aktivitas Fisik dan Pola Makan terhadap Kejadian Dismenorea Primer pada Wanita. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 2(2), 88-96.

  1. The relationship between sedentary lifestyle and intensity of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent


Putri, N., Adiwinoto, R., Arundani, P., Nugraheni, P., & Adnyana, I. (2024). The Relationship Between Feeding Patterns and Maternal Knowledge about Nutrition with the Incidence of Stunting in Children Age 0-5 Years in the Working Area of the Gedongan Health Center, Mojokerto City. AgriHealth: Journal of Agri-food, Nutrition and Public Health, 5(1), 21-28.

  1. Differences in Knowledge of Posyandu Cadres and Mothers of Toddlers Regarding Stunting and Its Association with Stunting Incidence in Toddlers