Journal title | Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi |
Initials | BJPB |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (February and August) |
DOI | Prefix 10.20961 |
Online ISSN | 2549-0605 |
Print ISSN | 1693-265X |
Editor-in-chief | Murni Ramli |
Managing Editor | Alanindra Saputra |
Publisher | Department of Biology Education,Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta Indonesia |
Bioedukasi-Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi is a peer review journal published by the Department of Biology Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia collaborated with the Himpunan Pendidik dan Peneliti Biologi Indonesia (HPPBI) or Indonesian Society of Biology Educators and Researchers (ISBER). The journal receives research, review, report manuscripts on biology education. Starting from February 2021, the journal will publish manuscripts written in English. Manuscripts focus on biology curriculum, instruction, assessment, media and sources of learning, as well as teacher training and education are highly invited to be submitted in this journal. The priority will be given to the manuscripts on SDGs issues. The journal is published twice a year, in February and August. See Google Scholar Profile by clicking here
Vol 17, No 2 (2024): Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Table of Contents
The Effect of Using Student Excretion System Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning on Students' Mastery of Concepts
| Abstract views : 216 times
Iin Murtini, Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani
Developing and Validating an Instrument for Measuring Pre-Service Science Teachers’s Environmental Knowledge
| Abstract views : 125 times
Febrianawati Yusup
E-BOOK Development on Disaster Mitigation Materials to Improve Students’ Readiness Behavior in Facing Disasters
| Abstract views : 71 times
Raudhatul Jannah, Indri Yani, Lufty Hari Susanto
The Effect of Discovery Learning with Youtube Media on Student Learning Outucomes on the Materials Environmental Change
| Abstract views : 76 times
Purwati Kuswarini Suprapto, Lisna Hayati, Vita Meylani
The Effect of Interactional Teaching Style on Student’s Learning Outcomes on the Material of the Respiratory System
| Abstract views : 84 times
Mufti Ali, Romy Faisal Mustofa, Dina Oktaviani
Development of TikTok Application-Based Learning Media on Environmental Change Material for class X SMA Negeri 1 Gorontalo
| Abstract views : 130 times
Sri Agustina Ilahude, Abubakar Sidik Katili, Chairunnisah J. Lamangantjo