Sensory Evaluation of Gluten-Free Wet Noodles Made from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Flour with the Addition of Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) Leaves Powder

Findi Citra Kusumasari, Anna Mardiana Handayani, Lisus Setyowati, Malinda Capri Nurul Satya


Gluten-free noodles are a processed food that has become an alternative food for gluten-intolerant patients. This study investigated the effect of gluten-free wet noodles made from potato flour and tapioca starch (T1 = 40:60%, T2 = 50:50% and T3 = 60:40%) and its addition of kersen leaves powder (K1 = 5%, K2 = 10% and K3 = 15%) on consumer acceptability using hedonic and descriptive tests with color, aroma, taste and texture attributes involved 25 semi-trained panelists. The results showed that there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the level of consumer preference for color and texture and no significant difference (p > 0.05) in aroma and taste. The preferred formulations in terms of color were T1K3, which contained 40% potato flour and 60% tapioca starch with 15% kersen leaves powder, and T2K3, which included 50% potato flour and 50% tapioca starch with 15% kersen leaves powder. T2K3 was also preferred for aroma attributes, while T1K1, for taste attributes, contained 40% potato flour and 60% tapioca starch with 5% kersen leaves powder. T1K2 was preferred for texture attributes, which included 40% potato flour and 60% tapioca starch with 10% kersen leaves powder. Hedonic descriptive testing results showed significant differences for all formulations for each attribute. The current study’s findings indicated that the T1K2 formulation consisting of 40% potato flour and about 60% tapioca starch with 10% kersen leaves powder got the highest score on hedonic tests based on the results from all attributes.


flavor; gluten-free noodles; sensory attributes

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