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Issue Title
Vol 19, No 1 (2022): June A numerical estimate of water level elevation due to a cyclone associated with a different landfall angle Abstract PDF
Md. Abdul Al Mohit, Md. Towhiduzzaman
Vol 16, No 1 (2019): June A Study of Light Intensity and Fertilizer on Soybean in Albizia chinensis Agroforestry System Abstract PDF
Zulfikar Affandi, Djoko Purnomo, Supriyono Supriyono
Vol 16, No 1 (2019): June Abiotic Stress and Biofertilizer on The Pereskia bleo (Kunth) DC. Against Growth, Proline, and Antioxidants Abstract PDF
Intan Christin Dullah, Sulandjari Sulandjari, Supriyono Supriyono
Vol 16, No 1 (2019): June Actual Evapotranspiration Model Based on the Irrigation Volume of the Maize Fields on Alfisols Abstract PDF
Dwi Priyo Ariyanto, Komariah Komariah, Sumani Sumani, Ilham Setiawan
Vol 17, No 1 (2020): June Adding manure and zeolite to improve soil chemical properties and increase soybean yield Abstract PDF
Slamet Minardi, Isna Luthfa Haniati, Alif Husna Lantip Nastiti
Vol 18, No 2 (2021): December Aggregate characteristics and aggregate-associated soil organic carbon and carbohydrates of soils under contrasting tree land use Abstract PDF
Bassey Udom, Joshua Ogunwole, Chima Wokocha
Vol 17, No 1 (2020): June Aggregate stability of Alfisols root zone upon turfgrass treatment Abstract PDF
Rahayu Rahayu, Jauhari Syamsiyah, Laila Nikmatus Sa'diyah
Vol 17, No 1 (2020): June Agriculture versus climate change – A narrow staple-based rural livelihood of Papua New Guinea is a threat to survival under climate change Abstract PDF
Patrick S. Michael
Vol 16, No 1 (2019): June Amendments on Salinity and Water Retention of Sand Base Rootzone and Turfgrass Yield Abstract PDF
Rahayu Rahayu, Yang Geun Mo, Choi Joon Soo
Vol 19, No 1 (2022): June An integrated approach of GIS-AHP-MCE methods for the selection of suitable sites for the shrimp farming and mangrove development- A case study of the coastal area of Vietnam Abstract PDF
Hoai Thi Nguyen, Thuy Thi Hoang, Luong Vu Van, Indra Prakash, Tuyen Thi Tran
Vol 17, No 1 (2020): June Analysis of drought hazards in agricultural land in Pacitan Regency, Indonesia Abstract PDF
Istika Nita, Aditya Nugraha Putra, Alia Fibrianingtyas
Vol 21, No 1 (2024): June Analysis of rainfall erosivity factor (R) on prediction of erosion yield using USLE and RUSLE Model’s; A case study in Mayang Watershed, Jember Regency, Indonesia Abstract PDF
Idah Andriyani, Indarto Indarto, Siswoyo Soekarno, Masdharul Putra Pradana
Vol 18, No 2 (2021): December Applicability of plastic mulch and conservation strip tillage for potato production in Bangladesh Abstract PDF
Md. Abdul Kader, Ferdous Hossain Khan, Shibli Sadik Tulip, Md. Abid Hossain Mridha, Arif Jewel
Vol 18, No 1 (2021): June Application of litters to inhibit nitrification in Vertisols on sweet corn (Zea mays S.) Abstract PDF
Supriyadi Supriyadi, Adiprasetya Widyatama, Gadis Mona Prinandhika, Purwanto Purwanto, Sri Hartati
Vol 19, No 2 (2022): December Approaches to the development of environmental standards for the content of petroleum hydrocarbons and Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni in soils of Greatest Caucasus Abstract PDF
Sergey Kolesnikov, Anna Kuzina, Tatiana Minnikova, Yulia Akimenko, Elena Nevedomaya, Tigran Ter-Micakyants, Kamil Kazeev
Vol 21, No 1 (2024): June Assessing irrigation water demand and pumping operations for rice farming in the Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia Abstract PDF
Muchamad Wahyu Trinugroho, Sigit Supadmo Arif, Sahid Susanto, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho
Vol 21, No 1 (2024): June Assessing the synergistic effects of inorganic, organic, and biofertilizers on rhizosphere properties and yield of maize Abstract PDF
Lolita Endang Susilowati, Sukartono Sukartono, Muhammad Firman Akbar, Bambang Hari Kusumo, Ahmad Suriadi, Amin Setyo Leksono, Fahrudin Fahrudin
Vol 15, No 1 (2018): June Back Matter Details PDF
Sudadi Sudadi
Vol 15, No 2 (2018): December Back Matter Details PDF
Sudadi Sudadi
Vol 16, No 1 (2019): June Back Matter Details PDF
Vita Ratri Cahyani
Vol 16, No 2 (2019): December Back Matter Details PDF
Vita Ratri Cahyani
Vol 17, No 1 (2020): June Back Matter Details PDF
Vita Ratri Cahyani
Vol 17, No 2 (2020): December Back Matter Details PDF
Vita Ratri Cahyani
Vol 19, No 2 (2022): December Biochar research advancement in Bangladesh: challenges and opportunities of biochar in improving soil health Abstract PDF
M. Abdulaha-Al Baquy, M. Abdullah Al Mamun, Shamim Mia, Md. Mahedy Alam, M. Shahadat Hossain Khan, Shah Moinur Rahman
Vol 16, No 2 (2019): December Bioremediation Using Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Reduce Chromium in Electroplating Liquid Waste Abstract PDF
Mardiyono Mardiyono, Sajidan Sajidan, Mohammad Masykuri, Prabang Setyono
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