Practicality Analysis of Developing the Student Worksheet Oriented Blended Learning in Acid Base Material

Ayu Irsalina, Kusumawati Dwiningsih


This study aims to produce a Student Worksheet (LKPD) in an integrated manner with blended learning oriented, the learning was carried out based on 1) the online and offline activities of students; and 2) student responses. The design of this study was using the stages of defining, designing, and developing, followed by testing. Data collection had been conducted by using instruments for measuring student activity and responses. The results of this study indicate that 1) the online and offline activities of students were 97.03 and 98.33%, respectively and 2) the results of the questionnaire responses of students were 93.33%. Based on the results of the response and online and offline activities it can be indicated that the development of LKPD is very practical to be use in acid-base subject learning.



practicality; student worksheet; blended learning; acid base

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