Publication Fee

JKPK Implements APC and Submission Fee

The JKPK is pleased to announce the implementation of an Article Processing Charge (APC) of IDR 1,000,000. Additionally, we are introducing a submission fee of IDR 300,000, payable after the first decision on the submission.

We understand the importance of high-quality language in academic publishing. Therefore, should an article be accepted with recommendations for language improvements as suggested by the editor, the responsibility for language revision costs will fall to the author. Authors have the flexibility to choose a professional language revision service of their own preference, provided that they submit proof of the language correction, or they may opt for a language service appointed by the journal. For those choosing the journal’s recommended language service, the estimated cost will range between IDR 300,000 and IDR 400,000.

We believe these changes will further enhance the quality and dissemination of knowledge within the fields of Chemistry and Chemistry Education. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.