Setyaningrum Ariviani, Gusti Fauza, Dwi Ishartani, Dyah Kartika Dewi


Salted duck egg is a duck egg preservation product which nutritionally rich in unsaturated fatty acid, fat, protein, and minerals, as well as has lower phospholipids and cholesterol levels than the fresh eggs. The salting (sodium chloride, NaCl) treatment during salted egg processing produces desirable egg yolk texture, salty taste, and longer the shelf life. The previous study reported that hypertension prevalence and stroke risk have a negative correlation to potassium intake but positively correlated to the sodium intake. The authors have reported the development of low-sodium salted eggs having antioxidant potential through salting process innovation by potassium chloride (KCl) substitution and teak leaf extract addition. The potential of intensive duck eggs for low-sodium salted egg production also has been reported in the previous author's study. This research aims to evaluate the shelf life and microbiological quality of low-sodium salted eggs prepared with salting process innovation and oven treatment using intensive duck eggs. Oven treatment carried out at the temperature of 1000C with various oven duration. The oven duration that produces low sodium salted eggs with the highest sensory quality was chosen for salted egg preparation. The shelf life of low-sodium salted eggs was determined by measuring the sensory quality degradation during storage at ambient temperature. Microbiological quality conducted by analyze the total plate count (TPC) of low sodium salted eggs at initial and the end of shelf life. The research result showed that 30 minutes oven duration produces the highest sensory quality. The shelf life of the low sodium salted eggs prepared with 30 minutes oven duration was 12 days. The TPC of fresh prepared low sodium salted egg reach to 6.4 x103 CFU/g and increased to 2,4x106 CFU/g at the end of the shelf life. These results provide an alternative to the development of intensive duck eggs for the production of low-sodium salted eggs as innovation product of duck salted eggs which were safer and has better quality for the Indonesian community


low-sodium salted egg; shelf life TPC; intensive duck eggs


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