Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning With PhET Simulation to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability and Understanding of Reaction Rate Concepts

Apriliana Drastisianti, Arini Kusuma Dewi, Dante Alighiri


In modern education, fostering critical thinking skills is essential, enabling students to analyze, interpret, and conclude information effectively. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a guided inquiry learning model integrated with PhET simulations in enhancing students' critical thinking abilities and comprehension of reaction rate concepts. The research was quasi-experimental and assigned to experimental and control groups. The study employed pretest and posttest measures using essay questions to assess critical thinking and conceptual understanding. Results from the t-tests demonstrated significant improvements in both critical thinking (count = 2.240 > table = 1.666) and conceptual understanding (count = 3.064 > table = 1.666) for students engaged in guided inquiry with PhET simulations compared to those in traditional discovery learning settings. These findings underscore the potential of guided inquiry supported by simulations to create an interactive and engaging learning environment, promoting deeper cognitive processing and retention. By merging inquiry-based learning with technological tools, educators can enhance student engagement and facilitate a hands-on approach to complex topics, preparing students for more sophisticated academic and real-world problem-solving scenarios. This study suggests that guided inquiry, complemented by PhET simulations, strengthens conceptual foundations and nurtures critical analytical skills necessary for academic success and beyond


critical thinking, concept understanding, guided inquiry, PhET simulation



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/ijpte.v8i2.93924


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