Implementation of Thematic Learning on Curriculum 2013 in 4th Grade Elementary School
This study aims 1) to know the implementation of thematic learning on the curriculum 2013 in 4th-grade elementary school; 2) to know the needs of teachers in the implementation of thematic learning in 4th-grade elementary school. This study used qualitative research methods. The research was conducted in public elementary schools in the Gugus Pattimura, Klaten district which has been using the curriculum 2013. The subjects of the study were 4th-grade elementary school teachers. The data used to collect data is in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results of this research are: 1) All teachers have implemented thematic lesson in curriculum 2013. There are some teachers who still have difficulty in the implementation. Difficulties experienced by teachers, among others, in the making of the lesson plan, the implementation of thematic learning, assessment process, and develop the material in every learning. This is because of the needy costs, the amount of time required, and the teacher has other work to do besides teaching; 2) On the implementation of thematic learning, teachers still need other references to deepen the material and to develop the ability of learners to be more independent in learning activities and tailored to the competencies that must be achieved. The second requirement is that teachers need adequate facilities for the implementation of thematic learning can be maximized. In addition, teachers need regular coaching on the implementation of thematic learning so that learning activities can be given to learners maximally.
Keywords:Thematic Learning, Curriculum 2013, Education.
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