Pengaruh Jumlah Mol Kroslinker Pada Selektifitas IIP Berbasis Polieugenol Terhadap Fe(III)

Muhammad Cholid Djunaidi, Abdul Haris, Pardoyo Pardoyo, Rosdiana K


Sintesis Ionic Imprinted Polymer (IIP) dilakukan dengan variasi penambahan crosslinker PEGDE (Polyethylene glycol diglycidilether) yang kemudian diuji selektivitas IIP terhadap ion logam Fe melalui proses adsorpsi. IIP merupakan metode mencetak ion logam yang terikat dalam polimer, selanjutnya dilepaskan dari matriks polimer menghasilkan cetakan yang sesuai terhadap ion target. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan IIP dan NIP dari polieugenol dengan variasi penambahan crosslinker PEGDE perbandingan sebanyak  1, 2 dan 3 mol, mengetahui pengaruh jumlah mol crosslinker terhadap selektivitas adsorpsi IIP yang melibatkan rongga imprint/cetakan, serta mengetahui pengaruh logam kompetitor terhadap selektivitas adsorpsi IIP terhadap logam Fe. Selektivitas adsorpsi ion logam Fe(III) dengan penambahan crosslinker PEDGE 3 mol lebih besar dibandingkan dengan penambahan crosslinker PEGDE 1 dan 2 mol. Selektivitas adsorpsi Fe lebih besar pada Fe-Cr dibandingkan dengan Fe-Cd dan Fe-Pb.

Influence of Crosslinker Mole Amount on the Selectivity IIP-Based Polyeugenol Towards Fe(III). The synthesis of IIP (Ionic Imprinted Polymer) was carried out using PEGDE (Polyethylene glycol diglycidilether) crosslinker addition in various moles which was then tested for IIP selectivity for Fe metal ions through the adsorption process. IIP is a method of metal ions printing which are bound in a polymer, then released from the polymer matrix to produce a suitable mold for the target ion. The purposes of this study were to produce IIP and non imprinted polymer (NIP) from polyeugenol with the addition of various moles of PEGDE crosslinkers as much as 1, 2 and 3 moles, and to determine the effect of the number of mole crosslinkers on the selectivity of IIP adsorption involving imprint/mold cavities, and the effect of competitor metals on IIP adsorption selectivity towards Fe metal. The selectivity of Fe (III) metal ion adsorption with the addition of 3 mole PEDGE crosslinkers was greater than the addition of 1 and 2 moles PEGDE crosslinkers. The selectivity of Fe adsorption is was greater in Fe-Cr compared to Fe-Cd and Fe-Pb.


adsorption; crosslinke; Ionic Imprinted Polymer (IIP); Non Imprinted Polymer (NIP); Polyethylene glycol diglycidilether (PEGDE)

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