Increase Participants Motivation to Learn Students Through Interactive Media on PPKN in SDN Daleman Kidul 1

Slamet Nugroho


This classroom action research aims to increase the learning motivation of students in following the learning process on PPKn material about the rules in daily life for grade 2 SDN Daleman Kidul 1 in the 2020/2021 academic year through interative PPT media. Motivation to learn is the overall driving force in students that gives rise to learning activities, which ensures the continuity of learning activities, so that the goals desired by learning subjects can be achieved (sardiman, 1986:75 ). The research conducted was a classroom action research with three cycles, in cycle 1 students who were motivated to learn from 15 students reached 66.67 %.  In the second cycle there was an increase of  86.67 %.  As for the third cycle, students who were motivated to learn reached 93.33 %. Improvements in learning using interactive PPT media in each cycle have  increased in motivating students to learn.


Interactive media, learning motivation

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