We are very pleased that Jurnal Verstek is presenting its First Edition of its very Second Volume. We are also very excited that the journal has been attracting papers from a variety of undergraduate law students. We are also delighted that the researchers from law students demonstrate interests to share their research with the readers of this journal.
Wa are aware that a journal needs commitment, not only from editors but also from editorial boards and the contributors. Without the support of our editorial boards we cannot achieve what we have now. We would also like to deliver a Special thanks, also, to the contributors of the journal for their trust, patience and timely revisions. We continue welcome article submissions in all fields of Procedural Law.
Wa are aware that a journal needs commitment, not only from editors but also from editorial boards and the contributors. Without the support of our editorial boards we cannot achieve what we have now. We would also like to deliver a Special thanks, also, to the contributors of the journal for their trust, patience and timely revisions. We continue welcome article submissions in all fields of Procedural Law.
Table of Contents
Asti Retno Sari, Natalia Dwi W
Bondan Pratomo, Ghufron Eko Nugroho
Fauzan Ndaru Kuntoaji, Dewi Puspitasari
Donny Agung Novanto, Putri Surya Dewi, Wida R Sanjaya
Hangga Prajatama
Andika Desy Fluita, Astari Suryo Nastiti, Irma Okta Yunitasari
Chyndida Rezlila Mulyarsi, Mustikasari Sarwoningtyas
Dayu Anggraeni, Goestania Firstkaputri, Yenisa Rofina
Eko Setyo Pambudi, Ferry Merleana Kurniawan
Lona Kirana, Sischa Risqi Putri Susanti, Dian Kusumawardani
Laeli Alfiah, Teuku Moch GPP
Lutfie Yunanda Putra, Lutfi Arslan D, Ndari Erikawati
Anugrah Satria Himawan, Monar Glidha Widya Gustama, Galih Cakra Wigusta
Novi Ratna Sari, Perwita Safitri
Muhammad Rizky Fauzi, Gianyta Aprilia, Edy Witoko
Twinike Sativa Frebriandini