Effectiveness of Hands on Minds on Activities Based on SocioScientific Issue on Scient Literation
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of learning hands on minds on activity based on socio-scientific issues on students' scientific literacy in colloidal material. This research is an experimental study using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this study were all students of class XI MA Al Asror Semarang with sampling technique used saturated sampling, it was obtained in class XI IPA 1 as the control class and XI IPA 2 as the experimental class. The research instruments were in the form of scientific literacy test questions, interviews, observations, student response questionnaires, and documentation. The results showed that the average value of scientific literacy of experimental class students = 46.46 higher than the control class = 45.25. After the mann whitney non parametric test at a significance level of 5% was done, it was obtained Uo = 75 higher than Utl = 41 which means that hands on minds on activity learning based on socio-scientific issues is not effective in increasing students' scientific literacy in colloidal material. This is because during the learning process minds on activities are less well implemented
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