Budi Utami, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti


The aims of this study is to examine the effectiveness of learning with a
constructivist approach that is applied on Teaching and Learning Strategies course in
improving the quality of the learning process and student achievement of competency
standards and to identify the perceptions of students regarding the application of
constructivist approaches to learning Teaching and Learning Strategies course at
Chemical Education Department, Teacher Training And Education Faculty, Sebelas
Maret University. This study uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure, which
consists of two cycles. Each cycle changes are made in accordance with the desired
purpose of the study. To describe the action research was used procedures include
planning (planning), action (action), observation (observation) and reflection (reflection).
The subjects of this study are students participating in Teaching and Learning
Strategies course at Chemical Education Department, Teacher Training And Education
Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. Instruments and data collection techniques used were
questionnaire, observation sheets, home work and giving tests. Observations are used to
observe students' activity during the learning process. Testing and delivery of tasks used
to reveal the mastery of the material and learning outcomes of students in the attainment
of a predetermined standard of competence. Data analysis using descriptive analysis
with the percentages. The results showed that the application of constructivist
approaches to learning Teaching and Learning Strategies course has proven to increase
learning effectiveness both in terms of both process and learning outcomes. Results
questionnaire collected about students' perception was that it could be concluded that the
application of constructivist approach has made the learning process of teaching and
learning strategies to be interesting, more fun and not boring, the students are more
enthusiastic about learning, encouraging students to learn independently and complete
tasks as well as possible, more students understanding the material and master the
competencies in teaching and learning strategies.


pendekatan konstruktivisme; strategi belajar-mengajar; kualitas proses pembelajaran; pencapaian standar kompetensi; persepsi mahasiswa

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