Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati


The objective of this research is to reveal the effectiveness of participative approach to increase the environment knowledge of students in elementary schools. This research was carried out in Semarang. The populations are students of elementary schools. Sampling technique was done based on cluster random sampling. SD Sekaran 01 is as an experiment class and SD Sekaran 02 is as a control class. The research uses post-test only control group design. To obtain the data, achievement test was conducted aftertreatment.Thedatawereanalyzedwitht-test.Theresultoftheresearchshowedthat there is a significant difference between the achievement of experiment class and that of control class. This means that the participatory approach is effective to increase the environmentknowledgeofelementaryschoolstudents.


pengetahuan lingkungan; pendekatan partisipatif; lingkungan hidup; model pembelajaran lingkungan

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