Sri Jutmini


This research is about the study on the effectiveness of inquiry strategy upon
student's achievement in history subject, dealing with cognitive, affective and creative
thinking domains, with student’s entry behaviour, interest in the subject, family background
and student's achievement in religion and Pancasila Education as covariates.
The inferential analysis such as t-test and anacova were used to test the hypothesis.
The result of the testing of the hypothesis revealed that at the level of significance a =
0,01, the main hypothesis was accepted. The contribution of student's entry behaviour
was 10,10 %. The study concluded that there was a significant different in student's
achievement using inquiry strategy in the instructional materials and the classical
method of teaching. This means that inquiry strategy in the instructional materials was
more effective than classical learning.


strategi inkuiri; berpikir kreatif; model; nilai dan sikap; pembelajaran sejarah

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