Budiyono Budiyono


Based on the experiences, many teachers do not feel very successful in teaching
story problems. On the other hand, many students find that story problems are one of the
most difficult challenges in mathematics and do not like them. However, there has been no
official report on the matter, at least in Indonesia. The purpose of the research is to
identify student's errors in doing story problems on fractions, both decimal fractions and
usual fractions. The research was conducted in Kota Surakarta, involving students in
grade 6 for twelve elementary schools. Eight essay story problems on fractions were
given to those students. Then, data about the student's errors in doing story problems
were collected by looking over the student's work thoroughly. After analyzing the data,
the research concluded that about half of the students did not answer story problems
correctly. The data also revealed that story problems involving usual fractions were more
difficult than story problems involving decimal fractions for the students. There was a
trend that story problems which include complex calculation were more difficult than
story problems which include simple calculation.


kesalahan; soal cerita; pembelajaran matematika; pecahan; pembilang; pembagian

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