Increasing Short Functional Reading Reading Competencies Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) in Junior High School

Pujiati Pujiati


The purpose of research is to increase reading short functional text competence of grade IX. It is done in two cycles. Each cycle is done in four periods which include planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Participant  of the research is class IXB. It uses NHT ((Numbered Head Together) learning model. The technique of  data collection uses observation and test. The students have score 68.91 in pracycle. There are still many students who can  not achieve KKM 75. They have achieved this criteria only 56,25%. From the result of research indicated that the  score average  increased become 74,06 in the first cycle and 77,50 in the second cycle. The students achievement also developed become 75% in cycle 1 and 87,50% in cycle 2. These cases proved that NHT ((Numbered Head Together) learning model can increase reading short functional text competence..


reading competence; short functional text,;NHT learning model

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