PAEDAGOGIA, accredited Sinta 3 (Based on the Decree on Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023), is a prestigious, biannual scholarly journal published in February and August. Our mission is to disseminate the latest findings in educational research, providing a platform for academics and researchers to contribute to advancing the field. As of now, we have transitioned to exclusively accepting articles in the English language to ensure a broader international readership and facilitate global knowledge exchange. Authors submitting their manuscripts to PAEDAGOGIA are kindly requested to adhere to this language requirement. The journal boasts a print ISSN of 0126-4109 and an online ISSN of 2549-6670. For those seeking additional insights, access the archives of previous issues of Paedagogia up to March 2017 on our dedicated page: We enthusiastically invite scholars and researchers to explore the wealth of knowledge and insights available in our archives, fostering a deeper understanding of educational research over the years. |
Vol 27, No 3 (2024): PAEDAGOGIA Jilid 27 No 3 (2024)
This issue has been available online since October 31th, 2024. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored from 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Turkey
Table of Contents
Wulan Resti Oktaviani, Darhim Darhim, Nurjanah Nurjanah, Kusnandi Kusnandi |
Suparman Suparman, Al Jupri |
Ibrohim Ibrohim, Makbul Muksar, Erni Yulianti, I Wayan Sumberartha, Maya Umi Hajar |
Septi Wulandari, Suprapti Suprapti, Esa Septian |
Susanti Wulandari, Eneng Mahmudah |
Fibriyana Safitri, Dadi Rusdiana, Achmad Samsudin, Arif Widiyatmoko |
Eva Nurmayani, Lalu Mas'ud, Muh. Jaelani Al-Pansori, Herman Wijaya |
Zulhikmah Permatasari, Riezky Maya Probosari, Bayu Antrakusuma |
Muliati Mursak, Arita Marini, Linda Zakiah |
Wawan Muliawan, M. Marzuki, Laeli Rizki Amalia |
Esterica Yunianti, Nanang Yulianto |
Angie Rose J. Namocot, Maya Aulia Shahwah Dina, Ahmad Rizqi Wahyudi, Hakimi Affandi, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa, Ari Syahidul Shidiq |
Nurhamzah Nurhamzah, Asep Andi Rahman, Rikrik Nurdiansyah, Miftahul Fikri, Dindin Nasrudin, Zulmi Ramdani |
Idha Ayu Kusumaningrum, Maulidiningsih Maulidiningsih |
Sitti Saum Sayidaturrahmah, Ponasari Baron Mutiara Kenya, Ahkamsyadid Yusmaputra Salim, Tantradiva Noftyandikumara Adicitadharma, Citra Kurniawan, Rumaizah Mohd Nordin |