Highly Selective and Sensitive Determination of Hg(II) Ions Using Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE) Coated with the BEC4ND1 Ionophore as Membranes
The research on the highly selective and sensitive determination of Hg(II) ions using ion-selective electrodes (ISE) coated with the BEC4ND1 ionophore as a membrane has been successfully carried out. ISE was designed using the membrane composition of the [(BEC4ND1 ionophore : PTCPB : DOS : PVC) (3 : 2 : 60 : 35 % w/w)]. The ESI-BEC4ND1 ionophore has good characteristics where it shows a sensitivity value of 29.933 mV/decade in the Hg(II) ion concentration range of 10-9 - 10-1 M with a limit of detection (LoD) of 10-7 M. The response time obtained is in the range of 4 - 8 minutes with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.548. The ESI-BEC4ND1 ionophore also shows the average value of selectivity coefficient (Kij) < 1. These results indicate that the presence of Zn(II), Cd(II), and Pb(II) ions as interfering ions in the analyte solution does not affect the performance of the ESI-BEC4ND1 ionophore in detecting Hg(II) ions. The ESI-BEC4ND1 ionophore that has been developed shows good selectivity, sensitivity, stability, and reproducibility, so the ESI-BEC4ND1 ionophore is promising to be used as a Hg(II) ion detector in the environment.
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