Integration Method of Religious Character Values in Chemistry Learning

Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro, Nurfina Aznam, Crys Fajar Partana


Science and religion are closely related because they come from one source, namely God Almighty. Therefore, the concept of the integration of science and religion must be implemented in the form of integrating religious characters in the science learning process. This study aims to identify and inventory the learning methods used to integrate religious character values in chemistry learning. This research is conducted by reviewing the literature, both in books, journal articles and popular scientific writings, about methods of integrating religious character values in chemistry learning. The main data sources are from journal articles that discuss the integration of religious characters in chemistry learning. The journal articles that became the main data source were ten articles obtained from the Google Scholar website using the keyword "integration of religious characters in chemistry learning". The research data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. A critical study was also carried out on the literature to obtain the correct conclusion. According to the teacher's creativity, the study results concluded that religious character values can be integrated in chemistry learning in various ways/methods. However, in their article, the researchers did not clearly and unequivocally mention the name of the learning method used to integrate religious characters in chemistry learning. Based on this conclusion, it is recommended that other research is needed to develop a learning model that integrates religious character values in chemistry learning.



integration of science; integration of science-religion; chemistry learning; religious character; integrated-interconnection

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