Esterification of Cinnamic Acid using Menthol and its Activity as Lowering Glucose Levels using Anthrone Sulfate

yuliana purwaningsih, Mighfar Syukur, Wulandari Wulandari


This study aimed to synthesize menthyl cinnamate and its activity as a glucose-lowering agent. Synthesis of methyl cinnamate using Fischer esterification of cinnamic acid and menthol with sulfuric acid as a catalyst using reflux at a temperature of 60oC with a synthesis time variation of 4,5 and 6 hours. Identification of synthesis results using FTIR spectrophotometry and GC-MS. Glucose lowering activity of the synthesis product using anthrone sulfate. The synthesized compound was a yellow oil liquid with a sweet fruity aroma typical of cinnamic esters with a yield % of 95.83%, 96.38, and 91.79%, respectively, at 4, 5, and 6 hours. The synthesized product was soluble in nonpolar solvents. Analysis by FTIR showed several functional groups such as C=O, C=C, C-O, and C-H aliphatic. Analysis of the synthesis results with GC-MS showed a retention time of 18.38 minutes for menthyl cinnamate with m/z = 286. Test with anthrone sulfate gave an optimum concentration of 300 ppm with a % decrease in the glucose of 48.62%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that menthyl cinnamate can be synthesized with optimum yield in 5 hours and has potential as an antidiabetic agent.


antidiabetic; anthrone sulphate; cinnamic ester; menthol, menthyl cinnamate

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