Measurement of Ambient Ozone Concentration using Passive Sampler

Dyah Aries Tanti, Asri Indrawati


Measurement of ozone concentration in ambient air was carried out using the passive sampling method in Cipedes, Bandung, from 2012 – 2020. Sample analysis was done using ICS 1500 Dionex ion chromatography. The results showed a fluctuating concentration from 2012 -2020 with the highest average value in 2015 of 29.94 g/m³. The monthly pattern shows the highest ozone concentration in September and the lowest in December; this condition was related to the intensity of rainfall that can clean ozone in the atmosphere. The seasonal pattern showed in the dry season ozone concentration is relatively higher than in the rainy season. A comparison of passive and continuous sampling was made to see the performance of the passive sampler showing a similar pattern with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.48. This difference in value was related to the absorption of ozone gas in the passive sampler absorbing filter and the meteorological factors.


passive sampler; Ozone; Concentration

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