Adsorption Of Metal Lead (Pb) In Batik Industrial Wastewater Using Cellulose-Based Adsorbent: Literature Review

Sukmaningrum Latifah Oktaviani, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti


This literature review aims to determine the characteristics of the batik industrial wastewater, the type of adsorbent activation method most widely used to adsorb lead (Pb) in the batik industry wastewater, and the correlation between the source of cellulose and parameters on the adsorption ability of lead metal (Pb) with variations in adsorbent mass, pH and contact time in batik industrial wastewater. This literature review was carried out in 7 steps: exploring topics, searching, storing, and organizing information, selecting the required information, expanding the search, analyzing, and evaluating. Information and present the results. This literature review shows that Batik industrial wastewater contains BOD, COD, TSS, and heavy metals. The literature review obtained that the BOD and COD values came from the batik industrial wastewater of Jetis Sidoharjo with a value of 1775.5 mg/L and 16654.80 mg/L, the largest TSS value came from the batik industrial wastewater Gedhog with a value of 449 mg/L. The largest metal content of lead came from the batik industrial wastewater of Wiradesa, with a value of 7.654 mg/L.  The most widely used activation method for treating adsorbents is the chemical activation method with strong acids such as HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4. There is a correlation between the source of cellulose and parameters in the adsorption of lead metal in batik industry wastewater. Different sources of cellulose and parameters resulted in different adsorption capacities. Based on the literature review, the highest percentage of cellulose was found in sawn teak (60%), corn cobs (41%), rice straw (37.71%), rice husks (34%), and kapok seeds (21.83%). Maximum adsorption lies in the adsorbent with a mass of 0.1 – 1g, pH 5-7, and 30-45 minutes contact time. 


Adsorbent, Cellulose, Batik Industry Wastewater, Lead (Pb)

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