Reconstruction of Practice Module on the Adsorbent Topic Contained the Nature of Science (NOS)

Dinnah Raihanah, Nanda Saridewi, Dila Fairusi


The training module is a learning material with interesting illustrations, communicative language, and can be adapted to students' knowledge. Through this module, students can apply their knowledge to life. This study aims to reconstruct the practice module on the topic of adsorbents contained in NOS. The research design of the Educational Reconstruction Model (MER) as the primary reference in making the adsorbent practice module. The participant used was one of the secondary schools in the city of South Tangerang. The results of the calculation of the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) show that the chemical concepts presented are valid and do not need to be improved. Test results show that from 30 student respondents, the overall percentage data was 89.8%, which means that this module is excellent and suitable as a source of learning in schools. The results of this study can be used as an example of innovating teaching materials.



reconstruction; a model of educational reconstruction; nature of science; adsorbent

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