The Quality Improvement of Cotton Dyed Fabric Using Extract of Avocado Peel Waste with the Addition of Alum Mordant Method

Ikhwanul Muslim, Henny Chandra Puspita Devi


The utilization of organic waste is an effort to reduce the amount of household waste. In addition, the use of organic waste as dyestuff can also reduce dependency of synthetic dyes that are toxic. In this study, natural dyes were obtained from the extraction of avocado peel which is act as household waste. Coloration is done on cotton fabric with a variety of adding mordan alum methods to improve the color fastness of the colored fabric. From the experimental results it was found that from the three variations of method, the simultaneous method produced the highest color intensity (K/S) value of 1.7854. While the color difference that shows the best result is the final mordan method with a value of 0.010. The results of testing color fastness for washing and rubbing showed that materials in mordan have better color fastness quality than materials that are not in mordan.


waste; avocado; alum; coloration; cotton

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