Face-to-face Tutorial : Students’ Satisfaction Analysis
One of the characteristics of distance learning students study away from educational organization, and Institution should provide learning assistance to its students in academic services which is implemented with tutor guidance. The students will feel satisfied when their learning had fulfilled their needs. This study aims to analyse the students’ level of satisfaction and expectations in the tutorial activities of some subjects provided in Post Graduate Program. Indicator used in achieving the satisfaction are the passage of communication among students, the interaction in the class face to face tutorial and the ability of tutors in guiding student learning. The data obtained through questionnaires to students from 10 region. The sample of this study were 260 from 1198 students, and populations come from 3 magister program. 30 students use as pilot project through 18 items questionnaire test. By using "product moment" correlation technique, obtained each items pertained valid. The result showed in average, the students gave satisfaction assessment above 3.25 of the scale 4. The items were students’ satisfaction on the tutorial environments; students’ satisfaction on the communication intertwined with the face-to-face tutors; students’ satisfaction on the tutors’ capability in transferring the science substance; and satisfaction to the interaction occurred in face-to-face tutorials and the tutor’s role in tutorial activities. There was a relationship between students’ satisfaction in following face-to-face tutorial with the final semester exam, Master of Basic Education R2 = 0,027, Master of Public Administration R2 = 0,01 and Master of Management equal to R2 = 0,015.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/ijpte.v3i1.34535
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