Teacher Motivation Behavior: The Importance Of Personal Expectations, Need Satisfaction, And Work Climate

Hanggara Budi Utomo


Teachers, as one of the elements in the teaching and learning process, play multiple roles, not only as teachers transferring knowledge but also as guides who encourage the potential of students to develop alternatives in learning. This means that teachers face complex tasks and responsibilities in respect of the achievement of educational goals where they are required to not only master the subject area being taught but are also required to display a personality suitable foracting as a role model for students. Therefore, teachers are required to optimize their performance in carrying out the task. The complex tasks and responsibilities of achieving educational goals relate to teachers’ motivation, so that good intentions will encourage teacher activities. Teachers become educators based on their motivation to teach. If a teacher has no motivation then they are unlikely to be an effective educator. The factors that influence a teacher’s motivation are focused on personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate. This paper comprises a literature review of several research findings aimed at deepening self-determination theory as one of the motivational theories that can be used to analyze the motivation of teachers based on both internal and external factors. In particular, it aims to explore the role of personal expectations, need satisfaction, and work climate, which can serve as a basis for further research into optimizing teacher motivation to teach.As the implication, different work climates mean that teachers must adapt to the condition of the school in which they teach. It is important that teachershave this ability as when they are able to adapt to a school’s performance atmosphere, they are in turn able torealize personal expectations according to their needs and thus feel psychologically satisfied, which has a corresponding further impact on their motivation to teach.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/ijpte.v2i2.24036


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International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education

Print ISSN: 2597-7792
Online ISSN: 2549-8525
Website: https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/ijpte/index
Email: ijpte@mail.uns.ac.id
Published by: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Ir. Sutami Street, No. 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah Indonesia