Enhancement of Liberica Coffee Quality by Wet Fermentation using Bacillus Subtilis

Indra Lasmana Tarigan, Ericha Aulia, Heriyanti Heriyanti, Madyawati Latief, Sutrisno Sutrisno


Coffee is a tree-shaped plant species belonging to the family Rubiaceae and genus Coffea. Liberica coffee is interesting to study, because this coffee is a plant that can adapt to peatland types. One of the efforts to increase the additional value of coffee commodities is to make a product with fermentation technology. Fermentation is carried out using probiotic bacteria, which are found in the digestive tract of mongoose animals which are believed to be able to produce coffee with a distinctive taste and aroma. One of the probiotic bacteria that can be used as a fermentation medium to replace mongoose is Bacillus subtilis. This study aims to analyze the effect of fermentation of Liberica coffee using Bacillus Subtilis on chemical compounds, physicochemical and sensory properties of Liberica coffee. The study begins from the preparation of the inoculum. After fermentation, proceed with the roasting process and grinding coffee beans into ground coffee which will then be tested. Testing in this study included sensory tests, total phenolics, total flavonoids, caffeine levels, chlorogenic acid levels, GC-MS compound analysis, antioxidants and proximate analysis. The analysis was performed using UV-Vis and GC-MS spectrophotometers. The results showed fermented coffee improved the sensory quality of coffee and physical quality. At the total phenolic level, total flavonoids, antioxidants and GC-MS compound analysis of fermented Liberica coffee obtained higher results. In addition, fermented Liberica coffee is lower in caffeine and chlorogenic acid than the original Liberica coffee.


Liberica Coffee; Fermentation; Bacillus subtilis


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