Sintesis, Karakterisasi, dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Senyawa Organotimah(IV) 4-Nitrobenzoat

Sutopo Hadi, Nova Tri Irianti, Noviany Noviany


Dua buah senyawa organotimah(IV) yaitu berupa senyawa trifeniltimah(IV) 4-nitrobenzoat (2) dan difeniltimah(IV) di-4-nitrobenzoat (4) telah berhasil disintesis melalui reaksi antara senyawa trifeniltimah(IV) hidroksida (1) dan difeniltimah(IV) oksida (3) dengan ligan asam 4-nitrobenzoat (HNBA). Senyawa hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan spektrofotomer IR, spektrofotomer UV, spektrometer NMR dan microelemental analyzer untuk melihat kemurnian senyawa. Aktivitas biologis senyawa turunan organtotimah(IV) 4-nitrobenzoat telah diuji terhadap bakteri Gram positif Staphylococcus aureus dan Gram negatif Escherichia coli. Hasil uji dengan metode difusi agar menunjukkan senyawa 2 pada konsentrasi 200 ppm (3,87 × 10-4 M) memberikan penghambatan yang lebih efektif dibandingkan senyawa 4, senyawa awal 1 dan 3 serta ligan HNBA.

Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity Test of Organotin(IV) 4-nitrobenzoate. Two organotin(IV) compounds, namely triphenyltin(IV) 4-nitrobenzoate (2) and diphenyltin(IV) di-4-nitrobenzoate (4) compounds have been successfully synthesized through a reaction between triphenyltin(IV) hydroxide (1) and diphenyltin(IV) oxide (3) with 4-nitrobenzoic acid (HNBA) The synthesized compounds were characterized using IR, UV, NMR spectrometer, and a microelemental analyzer to check the compound purity. The biological activity of the organotin(IV) 4-nitrobenzoate derivative was tested against Gram-positive bacteria S. aureus and Gram-negative bacteria E. coli. The test results with the agar diffusion method showed that compound 2 at a concentration of 200 ppm (3.87 x 10-4 M) provide more effective inhibition than compound 4, the starting materials 1 and 3, and the ligand HNBA.


antibacterial; E. coli; organotin(IV) 4-nitrobenzoate; S. aureus.

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