Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berhitung Bilangan Bulat Menggunakan Media Garis Bilangan Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN I Jambukulon Klaten Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Sri Wahyuni Puji Hastuti


The aim of this research is to improve the ability to calculate integers in class IV students at SD Negeri I Jambukulon and to describe how to use the number line to improve students' understanding of the material for calculating integers using the Projec Basic Learning learning model (PBL). The data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and tests. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the ability to count whole numbers, after carrying out classroom actions using the number line medium. This can be shown by the increase in students' abilities before the action and after the action. In Cycle I there was an increase from an average of 5937 to 60.31. In Cycle II there was an increase from an average of 60.31 to 75.93.


improve students' ability to calculate whole numbers (Matematic)

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