Sondra Swestyani, Yudi Rinanto, Sri Widoretno


This research was  aimed  to improve the students' logical thinking in XI MIA 1 of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2014/2015 about reproduction system material through discovery learning application.This research was a class action research which consisted of three cycles. Each cycle contains planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The research subject was the students in XI MIA 1 of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta Academic Year 2014/2015. The data source was from the mind map that cover the  logical thinking aspects. Data collecting techniques of this research used observation, interview and documentation then data validation was using triangulation method. Data analyzing technique of this research was descriptive qualitative analysis which was done in three components, they are: data reduction, data presentation and drawing the conclusion or verification. The research’ procedure used spiral mode which is interdependent. The result of the research showed that the implementation of discovery learning improves the students’ logical thinking that covers aspects of knowledge, comunication, thinking, and application. The persentage of knowledge aspect was 53,23% in pre cycle, 81,04% in first cycle , 89,11%, in second cycle, and 95,16% in third cycle . The persentage of comunication aspect was 28,33% in pre cycle, 35,08% in first cycle, 67,74% in second cycle, and 71,77% in third cycle. The persentage of thinking aspect was  28,33% in pre cycle, 58,87% in first cycle, 49,19% in second cycle, and 73,39% in third cycle. Then the persentage of knowledge aspect was  41,53% in pre cycle, 72,18% in first cycle, 79,03% in second cycle, and 77,42% in third cycle. This research’s conclusion was the implementation of discovery learning can improve the students’ logical thinking in X MIA 1 of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta academic Year 2014/2015 about reproduction system material.


Keywords :discovery learning, logical thinking

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