Implementation of Online Learning Based Quizizz for Identification of Difficult Concepts and Misconceptions in Buffer Material

Apriliana Drastisianti, Wiwik Kartika Sari, Dante Alighiri


This study aims to identify difficult concepts and misconceptions of buffer solution material during online learning. Basic Chemistry 2 course learning on buffer solution material is carried out online. The research subjects were 25 chemistry education students who took the Basic Chemistry 2 course for the 2019/2020 academic year. The research method used is descriptive. Data collection was carried out by providing multiple-choice tests using quizzes, a questionnaire to determine learning media, and an online learning process evaluation questionnaire. The results showed that the biggest difficult concept was the working principle concept of the buffer solution (92%). The misconceptions experienced by students are assuming that the reaction of acidic and alkaline solutions always produces a buffer solution, H2SO4 and SO42- are components of the buffer solution, the addition of strong acids to alkaline buffer solutions cause the solution to be neutral, and those that play a role in determining the pH of the buffer solution are weak acids / weak bases and their salts.


online, misconceptions; difficult concepts; buffer solutions.

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