Muhammad Akhyar


This study was evaluative in nature. The population was all the small entrepreneurs
(n = 38) in the small-industrial center of foundry in Klaten regency, who
implemented the cooperative subcontracting system. To confirm the data obtained from
the subcontractor entrepreneurs, the researcher collected other data from six contractor
entrepreneurs, using questionnaire and interview. The data were then analyzed
descriptively and presented in the form of mean score. The result of this research showed
that the capacities of the production tools used by the subcontractors were very adequate,
though the foundry technology was obsolete. The preparation of the subcontractors in
implementing the cooperation was still less adequate, especially in finance and management.
The level of subcontractors' entrepreneur capabilities in realizing the cooperation
was classified as high enough, and the level of constraint faced by the subcontractors
in implementing the cooperative subcontracting system was high enough,
especially in the area of capital formation, supplying of raw materials and marketing.
The level of contractors' involvement was classified as low, especially in terms of capital
support, raw material contribution, and expertise support.


kemitraan usaha; industri kecil; model kerjasama; pembinaan dan pengembangan; subkontrak

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