Ani Rakhmawati, Mulyanto Mulyanto


This study aimed to: (1) identify the kind of students' difficulties in learning literature; (2) find out the kind of teacher's difficulties and errors in teaching literature; (3) find out the concept of using various resources study and facilities in learning literature that are available at school and society; and (4) find out a model of teaching literature that is suitable for junior high school students. The method of the research was a classroom action research. The research was conducted at SLTP 4 Surakarta from August to November 2000, consisting of 3 cycles learning activities by implementing practice-active approach. The practice-active approach is a strategy to unite between teaching learning activity in the classroom with any literature studies' activities outside theschoolbymeansofutilizingfacilitiesandresourcesstudiesavailableinthesociety.To enhance the student's understanding and appreciation to the literature being studied, the students were exposed directly to the literature followed by reading, analyzing, and practicing to write prose and poem based on the model available. The research result showed that the implementation of practice-active approach, in fact, did solve various students' and teachers' difficulty in the learning and teaching literature. After carrying the action, the students' capability in comprehending literature as well as their appreciationoftheliteratureimproved.


pendekatan praktis-aktif; pembelajaran sastra; sumber belajar sastra; menulis karya sastra

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