Siti S Fadhilah, Rochman Natawidjaja


The aims of this research are (1) to design a model of development guidance to
improve the student's career maturity, and (2) to find out the effectiveness of a such model.
This research is research and development which use qualitative and quantitative
exploratory mixed methods implementing an experimental with pretest–posttest control
group design. It was carried out through the following phases: (1) reviewing related
theories and assessing the students' needs; (2) designing the hypothetical model of
development guidance; (3) validating the model by a number of experts, practitioners,
and several students; and (4) trying out in the field which involved a number of samples of
the research to find out the effectiveness of the model. The research used a cluster
sampling technique to determine the samples. The samples were 120 students of the
experimental group and 116 ones of the control group. The data were gathered through
interview, questionnaire, and career maturity measurement tools of Form 1 and Form 2.
The results of the analysis show that according to the experts' and practitioners' assessment,
the designed model of the development guidance is feasible to be implemented, it
means that the designed model has fulfilled such required aspects such as content
validity, language, and writing, consisting of the guidance guidelines as well as the
guidance materials used by the counselors to give guidance to the students. Results of
experiment show that in experimental group, student's attitude and student's competence
for career are very significant. It means that by giving treatment of guidance there is a
very significant difference between pretest and posttest. In control group, student's
attitude and competence for career are noteworthy. It means that without treatment of
guidance there is an important difference between pretest and posttest, but slight
difference. Based on the series of phases, the research reveals that the designed model of
development guidance is effective to improve the student's career maturity.


model bimbingan pengembangan; kematangan karier; sistem pembelajaran; perencanaan karier; belajar efektif

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