Islahuzzaman Nuryadin


The purpose of execution activity seed to identify athletic talent of candidates
atlet potential to be constructed with erudite approach and watched by growth accurately
and also kontinue. This research use descriptive method. Seed object is students which
have achievement school is each goodness mounted by elementary school (SD) and also
junior high school (SMP) which have age to among/ between 11 year up to 15 year in town
of Surakarta. As for to the number of student is 400 student. Technique the used
measurement and tes with tes pilotage of talent model Sport Search. Data of measurement
adapted for by set of existing size measure in computer later then analysed with technique
analyse pilotage of talent model Sport Search (computer software). Result of from
computer analysis continued tabulationly with statistical technique diskriptif. Result of
athletic talent potency analysis student shall be as follows: Talent student potency SD and
SMP in Surakarta there is 8 good category student, 71 student enough, 171 student less,
159 student less once, its meaning there is 8 student which have potency to be constructed
as candidate of atlet.


model pembinaan olahraga; identifikasi bakat; anak usia dini; prestasi olahraga; atlet

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