Nidya Desyana


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon belajar siswa berdasarkan taksonomi SOLO pada materi suhu dan kalor di SMA Negeri 3 Samarinda. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu kelas X MIA-1 yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Respon belajar siswa dianalisis menggunakan taksonomi SOLO (Structure Of Observed Learning Outcomes) yang terbagi menjadi 5 bagian, yaitu prastruktural, unistruktural, multistruktural, relasional, dan abstrak diperluas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respon belajar siswa pada level unistruktural sebesar 87,35% dengan kategori baik sekali, level multistruktural sebesar 88% dengan kategori baik sekali, level relasional sebesar 64,10% dengan kategori cukup, dan level abstrak diperluas sebesar 73,4% dengan kategori baik.

This study aims to analyze student learning responses based on the SOLO taxonomy on temperature and heat material at SMA Negeri 3 Samarinda. The type of research used is descriptive research. The research subjects were determined by purposive sampling technique, namely class X MIA-1, totaling 32 students. Student learning responses were analyzed using the SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) taxonomy which is divided into 5 parts, namely prestructural, unistructural, multistructural, relational, and expanded abstract. The results showed that student learning responses at the unistructural level were 87.35% in the very good category, the multistructural level was 88% in the very good category, the relational level was 64.10% in the moderate category, and the abstract level was expanded to 73.4% with good category. 


Taksonomi SOLO; Respon Belajar Siswa; suhu dan kalor

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