Drinancahya Dunya, Siswanti Siswanti, Windi Atmaka


The tendency of people to consume fast food and ready-to-eat products such as cookies becomes the cause of a sedentary lifestyle and activities that are contrary to the quantity of food. This becomes one of the causes of degenerative diseases so it is suggested to consume high in nutrient functional foods. Therefore, a study was conducted on substituting cookies with okara flour which is rich in dietary fiber, and avocado which has healthy fats of the MUFA type to increase the nutritional content of cookies. This study aims to find out the chemical characteristics (moisture content, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, total calories, and dietary fiber), physical characteristics (hardness and spread ratio), and sensory characteristics (color, aroma, texture, taste, and overalls), also find the best formulation from cookies of okara flour and wheat flour substitution (20%/80%, 40%/60%, 60%/40% (w/w)) that made with substitution of avocado (50%). The experimental research method is using RAL with variation substitution of okara flour. The chemical, physical, and sensory data were analyzed using ANOVA and if there was a difference between treatments continued with Duncan multiple range test analysis at a= 5%. The best formula is cookies V2 with a ratio of okara flour and wheat flour of 40%/60%. Cookies V2 have chemical characteristics including water content of 11.90%, ash content of 2.44%, fat content of 17.09%, protein content of 8.44%, carbohydrate content of 72.01%, total calories of 4.48kcal, dietary fiber of 13.47%. Physical characteristics include hardness 194,58 N and spread ratio 39.7. Sensory characteristics cookies V2 obtained the highest favored score of 4,11. It can be concluded that the substitution of okara flour significantly increased protein and dietary fiber content and decreased carbohydrate content, accompanied by an increase in healthy fat levels due to avocado substitution.


alpukat; cookies; okara; serat pangan


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