Merkuria Karyantina, Nanik Suhartatik, Fajar Eko Prastomo


Issues about environmental damage caused by the presence of plastic-based packaging materials require the development of eco-friendly packaging materials. Breadfruit starch contains amylose which has the potential to be developed into natural packaging materials, or edible films. Another function of packaging was to protect food ingredients from damage, one of which was microbiological damage. This study aimed to determine the level of breadfruit starch to produce edible films that meet the standards and to determine the ability of cinnamon extract to inhibit the activity of tested bacteria. The study was conducted using a factorial completely randomized design with 2 factors, namely the concentration of breadfruit starch and the concentration of cinnamon. The results showed that breadfruit starch can be used at a level of 6% which will produce edible film with a tensile strength of up to 6.37 MPa and a thickness of 0.23 mm. Cinnamon extract were able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Both breadfruit starch and cinnamon extract have the potential to be developed as natural ingredients in the process of making edible films.


antimicrobial; breadfruit starch; cinnamon; edible film


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