Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics

Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) (e-ISSN: 2621-086X) is a journal published by Study Program of Statistics, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia in collaboration with Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT). This journal is published twice every year, in May and November. The editors receive scientific papers on the results of research, scientific studies, and problem solving research using statistical method. Received papers will be reviewed to assess the substance of the material feasibility and technical writing.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) is included in: Dimensions, SINTAGoogle Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, and Mendeley database. 



Manuscript Submission


Authors who will submit manuscripts to the Indonesian Applied Statistics Journal must include the results of the manuscript similarity check. Authors must ensure that the manuscript has a similarity index of less than or equal to 25%.

Posted: 2024-12-05

Article Processing Charges


Article Processing Charges (APCs) / Article Publication Fee: 400,000 IDR or 25.00 USD

  • This fee will be effective starting June 2024.
  • A 50% discount is offered to non-Indonesian authors or for collaborations involving authors from at least two different countries.
Posted: 2024-05-24

New National Editorial Board Member : Dr. Winita Sulandari, S.SI., M.Si.

We are pleased to inform our readers that Dr. Winita Sulandari, S.SI., M.Si. affiliated with Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia is joining our editorial team as Editorial Board member. Her contribution in Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) begins on July 2023.  
Posted: 2023-07-06

Our Deepest Condolences

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Herni Utami, M.Si. from Universitas Gajah Mada. We are very grateful for her great contribution as part of the Reviewer in the Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) from 2019 to 2022.  
Posted: 2022-11-27

New International Editorial Board Member : Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues

We are pleased to inform our readers that Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues affiliated with Federal University of Bahia, Brazil is joining our editorial team as Editorial Board member. His contribution in Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) begins on June 2022.  
Posted: 2022-06-29

Our Deepest Condolences

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Suhartono from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. We are very grateful for his great contribution as part of the Editorial Board in the Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics (IJAS) from 2018 to 2021.  
Posted: 2022-04-09

New International Editorial Board Member : Dr. Darfiana Nur

We are pleased to inform our readers that Dr. Darfiana Nur affiliated with Curtin University, Australia is joining our editorial team as Editorial Board member.  
Posted: 2022-04-04 More...

New International Editorial Board Member : Dr. Kartick Chandra Mondal

We are pleased to inform our readers that Dr. Kartick Chandra Mondal affiliated with Jadavpur University, India is joining our editorial team as Editorial Board member.  
Posted: 2022-04-02 More...

New Template

New template of the journal have been implemented from volume 5 of 2022.  
Posted: 2022-02-12 More...

Vol 7, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


Nadiya Azhar Mufid, Kismiantini Kismiantini
Imtikhanah Anis Mahmudiati, Rohmatul Fajriyah
Husna Afanyn Khoirunissa, Andreas Rony Wijaya, Bayutama Isnaini, Kiki Ferawati
Wisly Ryan Eliezer
Halimah Nur Mushaharah, Rosita Kusumawati, Bayutama Isnaini
Khoirunisa Maula Izzaty, Siskarossa Ika Oktora
Zulhijrah Zulhijrah, Ruliana Ruliana, Aswi Aswi
Afita Ulya Pratiwi, Etik Zukhronah, Isnandar Slamet