Pemanfaatan Kitosan dari Cangkang Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) dengan Metode Microwave sebagai Bahan Dasar Kapsul Obat

Mashuni Mashuni, Muhammad Natsir, Wahyuni Mia Lestari, Fitri Handayani Hamid, Muhammad Jahiding


Cangkang kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) mengandung senyawa kitin  yang dapat ditransformasi menjadi kitosan sebagai bahan pembuatan kapsul obat. Proses transfomasi ini masih perlu untuk dikembangkan lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan kapsul obat berbahan dasar cangkang kepiting bakau dengan metode microwave. Metode isolasi kitin dari cangkang kepiting bakau meliputi proses deproteinasi, demineralisasi, dan dekolorisasi. Sintesis kitosan menggunakan metode microwave (daya 450 watt selama 15 menit) dalam pelarut NaOH 50% (b/v) dengan perbandingan 1:20 (b/v), selanjutnya kitosan dihidrolisis menggunakan larutan HCl 20% (v/v) untuk menghasilkan glukosamin hidroklorida (GlcN HCl). Pembuatan kapsul obat dengan perbandingan GlcN HCl dan larutan sukrosa yaitu masing-masing 3:1, 3:3, dan 3:5. Rendemen kitosan yang diperoleh sebanyak 37,5% dengan derajat deasetilasi 83,8%. Kapsul obat diperoleh perlakuan terbaik pada perbandingan GlcN HCl-larutan sukrosa 3:1. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap spektra kapsul obat, diidentifikasi adanya gugus O−H, −CH3, N−H, C−N, C−O, dan β-1,4-glikosidik. Karakteristik sifat fisik menunjukkan bahwa kapsul obat memiliki kadar air 12,7%, uji waktu hancur 13 menit 34 detik dan kelarutan dalam asam 3 menit 17 detik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kitosan cangkang kepiting bakau telah memenuhi kriteria bahan dasar kapsul obat sesuai kriteria farmakope Indonesia.

Utilization of Chitosan from Mangrove Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) using the Microwave Method as a Base Material for Medicinal Capsules. The mangrove crab shell (Scyllaserrata) contains a chitin compound potentially transformed into chitosan as an ingredient for medicinal capsules. The research on this transformation process needs further developments. This research aims to produce chitin-based medicinal capsules of mangrove crab shells by microwave methods. The chitin isolation method of mangrove crab shells covers the process of deproteinization, demineralization, and decoloration. The synthesis of chitosan used microwave methods (450 watts of power for 15 minutes) in the solvent of 50% NaOH (w/v) with a ratio of 1:20 (b/v). Chitosan was then hydrolyzed using 20% HCl (v/v) solution to produce glucosamine hydrochloride (GlcN HCl). Preparation of drug capsules with a ratio of GlcN HCl and sucrose solution, namely 3:1, 3:3, and 3:5, respectively. The chitosan yield was obtained as much as 37.5% with a deacetylation degree of 83.8%. The best treatment of the medicinal capsules was obtained on the ratio of GlcN HCl and sucrose solution 3:1. The FTIR analysis of medicinal capsules are identified by the presence of the O−H, −CH3, N−H, C−N, C−O, and β-1.4-glycosidic. The physical characterization showed that the medicinal capsules have a water content of 12.7%, the test of destroyed time of 13 minutes 34 seconds, and soluble in acid that is 3 minutes 17 seconds. The results show that chitosan prepared from mangrove crab shell is potentially used as a basic ingredient for medicinal capsules because it met the criteria for Indonesian pharmacopoeial capsules.


cangkang kepiting bakau; microwave; kapsul obat.

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