Komposit Polianilina/Kitosan/Perak Nanowires Sebagai Elektrokatalis Reaksi Evolusi Hidrogen dalam Medium Netral

Fadli Fakhrullah, Purwantiningsih Sugita, Mohammad Khotib, Takeno Akiyoshi, Shinya Takahashi


Studi mengenai elektrokatalis untuk reaksi evolusi hidrogen (HER) dan evolusi oksigen (OER) sangat diperlukan terkait aplikasinya dalam pengembangan energi terbarukan berbasis hidrogen. Komposit perak nanowires (AgNWs) dengan polianilina (PANI) disiapkan dengan metode polimerisasi radikal dalam larutan matriks kitosan untuk menurunkan ukuran partikel PANI. Komposit disintesis dengan 3 perlakuan yang berbeda, yaitu perlakuan suhu ruang, suhu rendah, dan sonikasi. Aktivitas elektrokatalisis diukur dengan voltammetri sapuan linear (LSV). Informasi tentang densitas arus pertukaran dan overpotensial sebagai variabel utama pengukuran aktivitas elektrokatalisis diperoleh dari plot Tafel pada LSV. Semua komposit dengan perlakuan suhu dan sonikasi menunjukkan karakter katodik berdasarkan nilai overpotensialnya yang negatif (aktivitas HER), sedangkan komposit dengan perlakuan suhu rendah memiliki karakter anodik (aktivitas OER).

A Composite of   Polyaniline/Chitosan/Silver Nanowires as Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalyst in Neutral Medium. Study on electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is urgently needed related to its application in hydrogen-based renewable energy development. A composite of silver nanowires (AgNWs) with polyaniline (PANI) was prepared by radical polymerization method in chitosan matrix solution to reduce the PANI particle size. Each composite was synthesized under three different treatment conditions, which are room temperature, low temperature, and sonication. Linear sweeping voltammetry (LSV) was conducted to measure electrocatalytic activity of the composites. Information about exchange current density and overpotential as important variables in this field were obtained from Tafel plot in the LSV. The temperature and sonication-treated composites have cathodic character due to its negative overpotential (HER activity), while low temperature-treated composites have anodic character (OER activity).


PANI; AgNWs; elektrokatalis HER-OER; overpotensial; densitas arus pertukaran

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