Aplication of Talking Stick Game Method to Improve Science Learning Achievement in Grade IV Students of 3 Jumapolo Elementary School

Rustanti Rustanti


This study aims to improve science learning achievement in grade IV students of SD Negeri 03 Jumapolo for the 2020/2021 academic year. The variable that was targeted for change in this study was learning achievement, while the action variable used was the Talking Stick game method. This form of research is classroom action research using a cycle model consisting of two cycles. Data collection techniques use interviews, tests, observations, and documentation. Test the validity of the data by using data trianggulation and methods. Data analysis techniques use interactive analysis models with qualitative descriptive techniques, which include 3 components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an increase in science learning achievement after class actions are held using the Talking Stick Game method. It can be shown by the improvement of students' abilities from before and after the action. Before the corrective action, the grade point average was 65.54. In cycle I the grade point average was 72, 73 and cycle II the grade point average increased to 77.32. In addition, the percentage of students who scored above 67 increased from the percentage in the pre-cycle 45% to 81.82% in the first cycle, and to 90.91% in the second cycle.


learning outcome, talking stick, elementary school

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