Literature Review on the Relationship between Classroom Management and Elementary School Student Learning Motivation

Ika Susanti


This research is motivated by the low learning motivation of elementary school students at SD Krapyak Kidul 02 Pekalongan City. This study aims to describe the literature on the relationship between classroom learning and student motivation. This study uses a literature review method. The results of the research analyzed there are 3 articles that discuss learning in the classroom and student motivation. The results of the analysis of learning in the classroom are in accordance with expert opinion, namely opening learning, explaining learning programs, organizing learning, presenting learning materials, motivating, and making adjustments. Analysis of learning motivation indicators are the desire and desire to succeed in a learning, the encouragement and learning needs, the hope for the future, the rewards of learning, the existence of interesting activities. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of good learning in the classroom is related to the learning motivation of elementary school students.


pembelajaran di dalam kelas, motivasi belajar, manajemen kelas

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