Konsepsi Kepemimpinan Astha Brata Dan Relevansinya Dengan Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Indonesia

Azril Azifambayunast


This study aims to analyze the Astha Brata, a classical Javanese conception of leadership and its relevance to Indonesian History subject. Through literature study, this study attempts to find the common ground between Astha Brata's conception and Indonesian History subject in the curriculum. Based on the analysis related to the conception of Astha Brata which is one of the important part of the cultural product from Hindu-Buddhist period, it is found that this conception of leadership can be integrated into material regarding the development of society during the Hindu-Buddhist period and its evidence that is still valid at the moment. The material is presented to the students of grade X in first semester. The relevance of Astha Brata's conception to the curriculum of Indonesian History subject can be an appropriate means to shape the leadership character for the young generation since early through a formal learning activities.


Astha Brata, leadership, Indonesian History, learning

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